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"A small movement caught her eye, Fang was very slowly extending one of his wings. Every hawk head swiveled in unison, their eyes focusing on the wing like rasers. 
I'm letting them catch my scent. Fangs lips barely moved."

Katana stopped reading as she felt a feather light touch on her shoulder where he lay  near her sitting form.

Keeping her finger secured on the page she lowered it glancing over top to him.


He slithered up closer to her, the short grass under him bristling as he went.

"What kind of hawks were they again?"

Her lip quirked up into a small smile at his forgetfulness. 

"Ferraginous hawks Rin, the largest ones in the state."

His mouth formed a small oh as he tentatively rested his head on her lower thigh hand sliding down to play with a few blades of grass.

"Oh yeah that's right, I-I'm sorry I tend to lose my brain cells when I'm around you.

He shifted his eyes to the soil seemingly finding the texture fascinating as he avoided all forms of eye contact  with her after that admission.

As she watched him she then realized she too felt the same way around him although she hid it much better than he did, for all her life that's all she'd ever done, all she'd ever known.

But this time she wouldn't, this time she'd speak her thoughts clear as day being transparent just for him, only him.

Running her fingers through his hair slowly she decided that from then on she'd be more open with him starting in that very moment just as his eyelids drifted closed from the soothing sensation being emitted upon his scalp.

"I lose my thoughts around you too. I guess we're the same huh."

She lightly giggled at this her index finger curling around a silky piece of his hair, the loosely curled end looped around it all snug as if it belonged there.

His grey now bordering on sparkling white eyes due to the sun slowly opened becoming accustomed to the light then peeked up to her somewhat shadowed face as a broad smile spread across his features.

"It's not just me then?"

Her eyes shimmered down at him in appreciation of this rare jewel, this howlite gemstone she had the priveledge of being in the presence of.

Just like a howlite gemstone was calming, reduced stress, anger and also took away negative feelings he did all of that for her unknowingly, coupled by filling the void of darkness which surrounded her on occasion.

She also wanted to be all of that for him for as long as she could.

"No, it's not just you."

His cheeks began to heat up from that the beautiful tint of cherry red spreading all over.

Pulling her hand from his hair she placed it onto his face smoothing out each one of his cheeks.

"May I continue reading?"


Her eyes crinkled in the corners as she watched him the side of her lips pulling into a small smile as she pulled the iridescent blue book which glinted in the golden sun back up to her face.

"What's-" Ella's mom said, her fingers skimming along the edge of my wing where it folded and tucked into an indentation next to my spine, between my shoulder and my waist, She leaned over to see better.                I stared at my wet socks, my toes clenching.                                                    She turned me slightly, and I let her.                                                                  "Max." Her dark brown eyes were concerned, tired, and upset, all at once. "Max what is this?" she asked gently, touching the feathers that were barely visible."

As she went through chapter after chapter Rin's laughter along with occasional concern was heard as he became immersed in the characters coupled with the way she read her voice looping around every word enunciating it perfectly.

A soothing balm to his ears.



He looked up to her as he thought it over.

"V-Very much so."

"Alright, I'll get a few coconuts."

She got up placing a leaf she had as a bookmark where she left off then closed it.

"I'm not going too far just that tree right there but you can come if you'd like."

He looked over to where she'd indicated and even though it wasn't that far he didn't want her to leave him.

"I-I would like to come with you."

"Alright, let's go."


Now having the coconuts they sat on a comfortable patch of grass in the shade of the overhanging trees as she began to cut a hole into the top of the fleshy outer shell and after showing him how to drink from it handed one to him.

Cracking another in half after drinking the sweet water she scooped out the jelly and gave some to him.

"Good right?"

His eyes were focused on the jelly then her as he flopped a piece around between his fingers. 

"It is, it's like really refreshing, soft and sweet while being a tad bit nutty."

She  smiled over to him as he gave his explanation while sticking the other piece into his mouth.

She was about to wipe away a piece of jelly which had stuck to his nose when she heard an unusual noise.


That was definitely not an animal or fruit dropping from the trees above, the sound was not the same it had to be something else, something that most likely wasn't to be in these parts.

Rising quickly she pulled a startled Rin close behind her as she stepped away from the treeline and into the clearing to have somewhat of an advantage.

He clung to her as he practically trembled in fright.

Her sharp eyes scanned the dense greenery darting in between the trees to find the source of the noise.

Something caught her eye a gleam of metal lurking behind a bush.

She knew exactly who this was for she'd expected they might come back.

Raising her bow and arrow dead center on the exposed pants leg she steeled her gaze.

"Come out or I'll make you."

Her face stayed emotionless remembering Rin behind her not wanting to scare him.

He stayed under the cover of the trees the only movement registered was the miniscule twitch of his leg.

"I will not repeat myself last chance, come out now or I shall make you and I guarantee you won't like it if I do."

As soon as she was about to let go of her arrow the pants leg moved brushing past the leaves and then emerged.

She held her bow and arrow on him, eyes unwavering.

"What do you want?"

With a malicious smile marring his features he held his hands up above his head in mock surrender as his eyes shifted to where Rin hid behind her clutching the back of her shirt seeming to shake even more than he had been before.

"Let's make a deal."


Is that a cliffhanger I see? Wow kinda fun

Anyways thanks for stoping by yet again 💖

Fun Fact (Not really): I'm typing this at 2:08am love that for me

What have you assumed about me based off of my writing if you have?

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