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The floral coloured sheets in the hammock moved with her as she shifted upright in order to start her morning.

Before she got up she stretched her arms and after the bones cracked they came down tangling themselves in her thick curly hair as she twirled a few strands.

After rolling her neck a few times she glanced over to the old clock hanging on the wall across from her.

The black coloured hands read 5:57.

With one final stretch her eyes glided in the semi darkness over to the hump in the comforter which was Rin.

Happy with her findings she gets up and heads over to the bathroom to freshen up.

After doing so she quietly makes her way outside to get some lemons from her tree to make juice for breakfast.

She hesitated a bit not wanting to leave a vulnerable Rin by himself but after scanning the area with her eagle eyes she deemed it ok plus the lemon tree was not too far away but just incase she picked up her bow and arrow on her way out as his soft snores followed her diminishing the further she went.

With one last look she closed the door as quietly as possible and then proceeded to walk over to the tree which was to the right of the cottage an ackee tree also known as guinep just a few steps away from it.

The sky was now beginning to become slightly lighted as the time passed.

She scanned the lemon tree and having located a few big ones she extended her hand in pursuit of the acidic fruit.

Carefully maneuvering her hand so as to miss the sharp thorns which the tree was riddled with but no matter how careful she was one always caught her finger she ignored the sharp prick and took hold of a few twisting the lemon from the branch as it let go with a satisfying pop, as soon as the added tension was taken the thin  branch snapped back into place.

After getting one more so she had five in all she made her way back to the cottage but as she came into close proximity picked up her pace as she heard soft sobs from inside.

Rushing to the door her gut twisted nauseatingly as to what she'd find she pulled it open as quickly as possible and scanned for him.


She dropped her things and ran over to him as he stayed crouched in the corner.

"Rin, it's me what's the matter?"

He jumped a bit but relaxed when his watery unsteady eyes met hers.

"I-I thought you left me I couldn't f-find you anywhere I had heard a noise and thought they'd come back for me."

She mentally slapped herself right in the face for leaving him having no idea he'd get so spooked, she should have known better.

"I'm so sorry I should have woken you up I only went for some lemons outside, I'm sorry I won't do it again ok?"

He brought his pale fingers up to his eyes and rubbed them as he nodded.


Seeing as he needed a hug she gently tugged him out of the corner and pulled him into one slowly.

"Is this ok?"

He clung to her burying his head into her shoulder as he tightened his lean arms around her form the motion of him moving his head up and down indicating that it was ok and so she held him.

She gently rubbed his back soothingly up and then down accompanied by circular motions and a few pats.

Eventually his crying subsided and he sniffled a few times as he shifted his head occasionally arms tightening and untightening around her like someone would a teddy bear.

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