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"Say hi to your bitch ass brother for me," I whispered before firing my gun. I shook my head, looking at the other two I killed prior.

They were younger, probably around eighteen. I found out all three of them had been tryna play me. The ring leader of their dumbasses had a brother who I killed two years ago. They was tryna get me back for him.

I didn't put two and two together until recently. I began to watch them more carefully, waiting for them to inevitably slip up.

They did, and then they had to pay the price.

I don't care about their age. They knew what they was getting into. If they wanted someone to baby them, they should've worked for that bitch up north. Females are always more sensitive.

Speaking of her - still not too sure who she is. I've been trying to have my guys find her, but I won't lie, she's good.

One time I sent out four of my guys. She killed three of them and got the last one in the arm as he ran away.

Von was his name, the one who got away. He said she was by herself and almost took them all out. He didn't get a good look at her face. I was so annoyed, we were so close.

I can't wait until I get my hands on her. I'm tired of her fucking my shit up.

All I did was fire shots at a few of her guys... just to scare 'em a bit - I ain't even try to kill them. And now my guys can't get within fifteen feet of her without one of them dying.

"Damn Hov, no mercy?" Ye joked. I chuckled.

"Get someone to clean this shit up for me." I said. He nodded.

"I got you. Good looks." He said. I gave him a nod, heading out to my car.

Bey: Hey twin👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏾

I laughed, seeing Bey had texted me. She was texting something else, so I waited to respond.

I had gotten her number about a week ago. We haven't seen each other since, both been pretty busy. But, we do text a lot.

She's a cool ass girl. She's funny as hell, talking to her feels like I'm hanging out with one of my niggas.

Bey: Booked our appointments. STD date at 2pm.

Jay: Bet, I'll pull up on you in twenty.

She liked the message, and I put my phone down. I looked at my wrist, groaning at the red spots. I sighed, making the turn to my house so I could take a quick shower.

Hopefully Bey doesn't mind that I'm a few minutes late.


"You're late." I said to Jay, closing the door behind me. He chuckled.

"I'm sorry ma, I had something come up. I'm only... ten minutes late." He said. I rolled my eyes, getting in the passenger side of his car.

"You just jump straight to yelling at me? No hi, how are you Jay?" He said.

"Hi bestie. How are you?" I said, facing him. He chuckled.

"I'm great Bey, thank you for asking." He said. "How are you?"

"I'm alright... can I plug my phone in?" I asked.

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