What if Eddie Told Paul?- Part 2

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December 25th, 1961

"Bloody hell!" Eddie, sitting in her bed, pushed a desperate sigh as she noticed she unknowingly added stitches to the long strip she was knitting. She was too much in her head to realize it had been this way for  a few rows already, making the scarf she was working on wider at the end. Exhaling loudly through her nostrils, she pulled her wooden needle out of the stitches before unraveling the navy blue yarn until her mistake was fixed. After putting the needle back in place, she wrapped the scarf around her neck to observe her progress. "Shit. I'll never have time to finish it." She complained, leaving the undone scarf on top of her now, round belly, giving up. Mimi would be disappointed after all the time and energy she spent teaching her in the past weeks; She thought to herself. Eddie believed knitting and sewing was a practical hobby to pick up during her pregnancy, dreaming she could make her child some hats, cute tiny socks or even whole outfits. She picked the scarf back up to rubbed her bump in broad circles. "I'm sorry mummy sucks at this." She mumbled to her belly, smiling sadly. 

Hearing the bedroom door open, Eddie swiftly hid the scarf under the pillow next to her. 
"You're still in bed?" Exclaimed Paul, dressed in a black t-shirt and his infamous noisy leather pants, made his way through the cramped bedroom to Eddie. There wasn't much space left to move around the small room since a second-hand double bed was bought and placed in the corner of the room for the couple who decided to permanently stay at the McCartney residence. The space was soon again compromised when Jim scavenged Paul and Michael's old crib out of the garden shed after years of saving it for a grandchild to finally sleep in. Paul's desk had to be moved out, allowing the crib to be placed by the opposite wall from the bed. It only left a narrow passage way between the parents and the baby's bed. 

The money the couple got from selling old furniture and object cluttering their tiny room was used to buy a few baby essentials. Not enough to Paul's eyes. Sitting on top of their tall, shared dresser, fitting tightly between the end of the bed and the parallel wall, Paul's economy jar was being filled with his extra money at a very slow and frustrating pace. He was laughed at by his bandmates since he was bringing his own homemade lunches to sustain himself through late gigs. No more unnecessary expenses and to Eddie's surprise, Paul strictly stuck to it, even if it meant begging his mates for cigarettes or alcohol when he couldn't afford it himself.  Whenever he could throw a few pence in the jar, the clinking sound of the coins hitting the walls of the glass vessel made him smile as he dreamt of the future. 

"What are you doing? You're not even ready! The first guests will arrive soon." Paul informed Eddie, sitting on the edge of the mattress, facing her. Eddie peaked at the small clock on the wall facing her with furrowed brows and gasped at the hour. "Oh god! I didn't see the time go by." She said, feeling incredibly guilty. Paul quickly caressed Eddie's hand to calm her down. "There's nothing to worry about. What were you doing?" He asked to distract her from the stress she had put upon herself. After knowing her for four years, he was used to Eddie's timid ways and how easily something could upset her. Although his techniques to soothe and make her feel at ease still needed some tuning up here and there to achieve the desired perfection, Paul had to be even more careful and gentle as Eddie's levels of stress and anxiety were bursting through the roof; pretty normal for someone going through an unexpected pregnancy, especially how hers was initiated.

"Nothing...Just relaxing." Eddie answered to a sceptic Paul. 

"Mmm...Right." The man replied, seeing the ball of blue yarn sitting next to his partner with a strand leading under his pillow. He smirked, quickly grabbing the pillow and lifting it over his head.¸

"Ah Ha! What is it?" Paul asked, snatching the scarf. Eddie sighed, giving up about concealing her work. "Love! You've gotten better! It looks neat." Paul complemented as he inspected the scarf, pointing out how much she had improved. "It's a scarf?" 

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