Chapter 13: Firsts

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June 13th, 1961

Eddie woke up on the bottom bunk in an almost pitch black room. One thin ray of sunshine made it through a ripped slit in the thick fabric of the curtains. She sighed heavily as she felt her head pounding painfully. She closed her eyes weakly, touching her forehead with the back of her hand.

"Good morning my sweet little angel." Sung John in a high pitched, unbearable voice, sitting on the bed besides the one his sister was laying in.

Eddie squinted in pain and rolled slowly on her right side to turn her back to her brother. Her aching body felt heavy. This simple movement felt like she just had a rough fist fight with someone.

"What time is it?" She faintly mumbled, only wishing to fall back asleep. "Wasn't I supposed to be sleeping with Cyn at Astrid's?"

John chuckled and stood up. Tucking his white t-shirt in his jeans, he walked to the room's sink to pour his little sister a glass of water. "Almost noon...and we're just above the club. It was easier for Paul and I to carry ye up here." The man looked up at his dark circles under his eyes in the mirror and yawned. "Ye were bloody drunk Eddie, totally bevied up! Boy! Wasn't I surprised to see ya in such a state. Ye did not beat around the bush for a first time." He laughed, walking back to the bunk beds and sitting on the edge of the mattress at Eddie's feet. "You'll be happy to know I've had to shower before going to bed because ye spewed all over me in the hallway, kindly leaving Paul spick and span." He explained, still disgusted by the fresh and unpleasant memory.

"Did I?" Asked Eddie, cringing as she rolled back again to lay on her back. "God, I'm so sorry. Did I made meself look even more pathetic?" She questioned, opening her eyes and sitting up, feeling her every muscles tensing up. "I feel like I've been run over by a double decker." She described, scratching her head through her messy hair.

"Ye are experiencing yer first hangover!" Exclaimed John, leaning forward to open the first drawer of the dresser standing by the bed and reached for a glass bottle of paracetamol. He opened the bottle and poured two tablets in the palm of his hand before giving them to his sister. "Take this, then a cold shower and a cup of black coffee does the trick for me." Advised John watching Eddie swallowing the medicine and washing it down with the glass of water. "Drink all of it. Ye need it. There's towels and a bar of soap in the dresser. The bathroom is at the end of the hallway." He added, standing up again and reaching for his leather jacket on the bed in front of him. "Cyn and I will be waiting for ye at the restaurant across the street."

"Where are the others?" Eddie asked, ungracefully yawning.

"Who the hell knows?" John answered, opening the squeaky door. "And don't ya dare falling asleep again. Ye need to fight it off like a real Lennon!" He cheered on before storming out of the room slamming the door behind him on purpose to make Eddie squint in pain.

"Fucking wanker!" Eddie muttered, taking the blankets off her. She looked around the room pushed a sigh of relief as she saw her suitcase and duffel bag on the floor at the end of the bed. She leisurely stood up and dragged her feet to her belongings. Feeling her head spin, Eddie sat down on the floor to pick up what to wear. She gagged as the acidic smell of her vomit stained jumper reached her nostrils. The young woman wasted no time taking it off and letting it fall on the dusty floorboards. Only wearing her old, stretched out bra she held on for years, she picked up a short sleeved flower print shirt, thinking it could help add some colors and liveliness to her face she guessed was pale and dehydrated.

"Feeling alright?" A voice crept in, making Eddie jump, covering her chest with her button-down. She looked at her right to see Paul's head peering behind the door. The man then walked in, holding a tall glass of water and a plate of buttered toast. "I thought ya might wanted to get a little something down." Paul said sitting beside Eddie.

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