Chapter 27: Change of mind

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*just didn't know what picture to post. 😑
August 13th, 1961

Mimi's bedroom door was always closed, whether she was in the room or not. For as long as she could remember, John and her were forbidden to set foot in it. 

Stepping out of her room, Eddie was surprised to see that door opened. She slowly walked to the end of the hallway, adjusting her thick forest green sweater, angrily regretting the destruction of her girdles. A faint smile appeared on her face as she rested her shoulder in the doorway, watching her aunt filling her old suitcase with her classic pencil skirts and dresses. Eddie spent a minute gazing at Mimi, neatly folding her clothes before she noticed her niece was there.

"Oh! Darling. Can you help me? I'm not sure if I have enough." Mimi turned to Eddie, looking obviously nervous. Eddie chuckled, being strangely reminded about her own self packing to leave for Germany two months ago. She crossed her arms and shyly walked to the bed where laid the opened luggage. "Well, you're going on a 7-day trip. So, 7 outfits, a dressier one, in case, one if it gets unexpectedly cold and your sleeping gown should do the trick...unless the excitement of this holiday by the beach gives you the urge of digging out that old swimsuit of yours." Giggled Eddie thinking about that 1930s knitted black and white swimsuit she haven't seen since she was 8 years old, but was convinced she held onto it. 

Mimi scoffed, horrified about Eddie's suggestion. "Ugh! You would have to pay me a gargantuan amount of money for me to wear this again!" She then laughed, folding her pristine white nightgown. "Are you sure you don't want to join us? I'm sure they would love for you to come along." Mimi insisted, turning to her niece, timidly touching her shoulder. 

Eddie could read the nervousness in Mimi's face. A mix of excitement about meeting all four of her sisters again and fear about a long train trip alone to Brighton where her youngest sister, Harrie, has moved 3 years ago. Mimi obviously didn't want to go all this way alone. Eddie sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed by the suitcase. "Uh...yeah. I'm sure. You're going on a sisters holiday. I wont fit in. Besides, I don't want to fill in for mum." Confessed Eddie, feeling a lump forming in her throat as she thought about how this meeting would be the first without Julia, the fourth member of this quintet of women. 

Mimi looked at Eddie sadly. She was right. She asked her niece to join her on this trip for days now, but she never realized she felt this way. "I'm sorry darling. I didn't want you to feel like this." She apologized, gently brushing through Eddie's auburn hair. It was the exact shade her sister had. She couldn't believe how much she looked like her. "You'll be fine for the week?" She asked, concerned about leaving her niece alone at home for more than a day for the for the first time ever.

Eddie nodded, standing up. "Sure. Why wouldn't I? I won't starve to death if it's what yer worried about." Chuckled Eddie, grabbing a hold of Mimi's hand and laying her head on her shoulder. "Please don't worry about it. I'll ring John up if there's anything wrong." She added, hoping her aunt would be reassured. "I'll be fine." 


August 15th, 1961

Eddie stepped off her bicycle in front of a Pawnbroker shop on Russell street. She sighed deeply, looking up and down the store's display window,  where different object were clustered behind the glass; toys, assorted kitchenware, a sad-looking old mannequin wearing a quite lovely black gown, a tv beside a wooden rocking chair, everything under the light of a tall dusty lamp with thistles around it's lampshade. 

Rolling her bike by her side, Eddie pushed the store's door open and slowly walked in. Seeing how small and packed full of unwanted objects this place was, she instantly regretted it. Even if the store  had a tall window, the room was in serious need of lighting. The young woman slowly gazed  at the walls around her. Numerous shelves, stretching from wall to wall were full of articles, hiding the dark wood paneling behind. Leaning sloppily over over the desk beside the cash register, rested an old man, wearing dark blue overalls over an old, stained olive green shirt. Eddie hesitated to approach the man who seemed like sleeping. 

Eddie faintly cleared her throat, making the old man jump, snorting. "Yes? What do ye want?" He groggily asked, clearly bothered to have been woken up. 

Eddie's chin sank into her chest, slightly scared by the man's burst of annoyance. "Sorry sir. Uh...I was wondering if I could sell ye this bicycle." She felt her heart drop to her stomach as the man walked to her, scratching the back of his head vigorously. "I don't buy bicycles anymore. I don't have the space." The man deplored, showing a table full of old telephones a his left. "Sir, please. I need money....It's brand new. You could sell it in no time if you put it in yer display window." 

The man grabbed the bike's handles to have a closer look at it before crouching down to squeeze the front tire. "It's in pristine condition, but no one in this neighborhood will want to buy this. You're not at the right place, lady." 

Eddie pushed a small quivering breath, looking up at the ceiling, fearing tears would fall down her cheeks. "I know...I tried to sell it for two days now. My aunt paid 35 quids for it. I worked hard to pay her back...But now, I...really need money and the others places offered me ridiculous prices for it."  Explained Eddie, as, unconsciously, her right hand flew to her belly. The man standing up, looked down where his costumer pressed her hand. He sighed loudly, now understanding his client's situation. "Are ye married?" He questioned, frowning. Eddie slowly shook her head "No. My fiancé and I are no longer together." 

"Did he gave ye that necklace of yours?" 

Eddie looked down and grasped the opal pendant of the necklace John bought her in Hamburg. "Uh..."

"Il give ye what ye want for the bicycle and the necklace. My wife would love this piece of jewelry." Voiced the man. 

A single tear fell down Eddie's cheek as she was torn between letting go of a sentimental object...but time wasn't on her side anymore. "I want 25." 


Shoving her money into her small handbag, Eddie entered a red phone booth. Looking at the black rotary phone laying on the paying box, she pulled out The Woman's piece a paper where her number was written at the bottom of it. With shaky hands, Eddie inserted four pennies in the paying box and dialed the number. 

Hearing the ringing tone felt for ever, but, fortunately, The Woman Answered. Her voice sounded just like in Eddie's memory. An unpleasant chill traveled her body before she softly spoke with a trembling voice. 

"It's Ed, Uh...Victoria Lennon. I've changed my mind...and I have the money.... Yes. Tonight works fine." 


Ok....I have a lot to say.

This chapter is sooo smaller than the others. I had a hard time to make it relevant and good in 10 pages (The average I use to write) So I just simply cut all the crap I wrote. 

I am tired! Nothing new, I know haha. A lot happened since the last update. I got a promotion at work. I'm now assistant manager, but with a twist. I work permanently at three locations now and usually do evening shifts...or most often, all day long. (9 to 7 with little to no break) It's normal.. It's Christmas time. Hoping it won't be as crazy in January. 

So that's why at night, I sleep instead of writing. I sadly lost the fun and urge to do it. I really wanted to do, at least a second part, but I fear I would just stop writing before finishing it. (God I hate that! hahaha) I guess everything will get back to normal and I'll pick it back up. My mind never gets a break when it comes to think about what could happen to my Eddie. 

Anyway, Hope you Liked it and I'm sure the next chapter will come quicker because I was waiting to write it since the beginning of the story. 

I would say there's about three chapters left...and a surprise I will announce next chapter. 

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