Chapter 8: Not a second time

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March 27th 1961

A few gatherings of people were scattered across the 9th platform of Liverpool's Lime Street Train station, waiting for the 8 AM train for London to leave. Families making sure everything was packed for the fifth time since leaving the house, well suited men reading the newspaper on a bench with their fancy briefcases on their side, a bunch of children making the best of their last moments with their grandparents before they made their dreaded way back home and there was Jim McCartney, Mimi Stanley, Cynthia Powell and Edwidge Lennon saying their goodbyes to the Beatles, leaving for Germany for the second time.

Eddie, just like the first time, despised this moment. Standing with her arms crossed beside her aunt, she silently, almost mournfully, watched John, Pete, George and Paul enjoying their last few minutes in their native Liverpool, smoking cigarettes in company of the few, (less than the last time) who woke up at dawn to join them.

As John lovingly embraced his beloved Cynthia, whispering sweet nothings in her ear and exchanging kisses, George was already munching through the biscuit his mother Louise baked him the night prior. Paul, sitting on a bench beside his father, was strumming a few chords and signing with him right by Pete, leaning against the red brick wall, snoozing.

"You should go to him. John won't let go of her. You'll have no time to say proper goodbyes." Suggested Mimi wisely, putting an arm around her nice's shoulders.

Eddie shook her head, feeling the tears threatening to fall down her cheeks. She didn't want to cry this time. Last August, she felt like her world was falling apart when her only point of reference was leaving for another country, pursuing his dream.

"Do ye think it'll hurt less if I don't do so?" Cried Eddie.

"Don't be silly Eddie!" Scoffed Mimi, turning to face the young woman. "Are you crying again? He's about to travel to this rubbish city for £3 a day. It's not worth your tears." Ranted Mimi with her signature stern tone.

Eddie laughed, wiping a tear at the corner of her eye and then felt a hand on her back.

"Cryin' again aren't ye sis'?" Smiled John, as Eddie turned around and looked up. Quietly, the young woman buried her face in his leather jacket, hugging him. She didn't want to let go.

"I'll write to ya...everyday this time around." Promised John, lifting Eddie's chin up with two fingers.

"Now that's just a straight up lie John Winston Lennon!" Giggled Eddie as she pinched her brother's abdomen. "A long letter a week will do just fine." Admitted the girl, emphasizing on the term; long.

John nodded and shoved his hand in his front jean pocket. "Fair enough me little Victoria Edwidge, and before I forget, I have to give ye this."

John pulled out two £5 notes out of his pocket and put them in his sister's hand. Eddie's jaw dropped to the floor. She had never seen the blue banknote before in her life.

"John! Where did ye find 10 quids?" Exclaimed Eddie, feeling a rush of excitement from holding the impressive amount of money. John bent over to whisper in Eddie's ear. "I just sold one of the many paintings Stu left laying around the flat." Eddie gasped at the confession. "There so many in there, he won't notice. There is a price to pay when ye leave weeks early by plane without ye palls!" Chuckled John, looking around to make sure Mimi didn't hear him.

"John, you are one dreadful friend." Teased Eddie. "But wha' for? I have me savings at home." She then asked, admiring and analyzing the two sides of the banknotes. "I think I will frame one. It's so pretty."

"I thought ye could use this to cover the expanses for a passport...and the trip to Hamburg you'll do with Cyn' in a few weeks." Smiled John

"WHA'? Ye want me to come?" Squealed Eddie, jumping in her brother's arms. Her excitement attracted everyone's attention towards them. Her brother approving her visiting him meant the world to Eddie. She felt like John was realizing his little sister was no longer little.

"Thank you, John." Whispered Eddie in his ear.

The man put her down and smiled. "You'll have enough for the trip. Ye can even treat yerself." He explained, rubbing his sister's shoulder, looking at his right.

Eddie, curious at what her brother could be gazing at, copied his motion. Swiftly, her eyes met Paul's who was packing his guitar back up. The young man smiled at the siblings before hugging his father goodbye.

Still starring at his best mate, John slid his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "Please...keep being the outgoing Eddie while I'm gone. You are so pretty when you let yourself go. I love you, Eddie. Goodbye." He kissed Eddie on the top of her head and left her for one last embrace with Cynthia. Eddie exhaled in a shaky breath and slowly walked to Paul who greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hey Ed! I'm glad to see John and ya made up." Declared Paul before clearing his throat, starring at his feet.

Eddie had an odd feeling about this incipient conversation. Paul looked abnormally shy, just like all those times she was before. She smiled. "Ta. He's been the biggest dick. Unfortunately, I still love him" Joked the young woman to make Paul laugh; to which he did.

"Yeah. He can be quite awful sometimes." Chuckled Paul, looking up at Eddie with his cheeks slightly blushing. "So? He gave ye the money ?" He asked.

Eddie nodded, sharing how excited she was.

"You'll see it's not as bad as ye think. Stick with me and you'll be fine."

Eddie felt a little burning sensation in her heart. He wanted her to 'stick with him'. She couldn't tell if he was just being nice or not. She sighed

"Paul...about what John said..."

Eddie was cut off by the train's long and loud horn announcing it's imminent departure. Paul and Eddie turned to the nearest train car to see the other boys gathering up and walking towards the door.

"I have to go. Please write to me too. I would love to read what you're up to...feel free to tell me anything you want." Begged Paul, grabbing one of Eddie's hands. "I... I like you very much Ed."

Eddie nodded wistfully, feeling a lump forming in her throat. "I wish I would have found the courage to tell ya how I felt about ya earlier, Paul. I though I could never find the right words and tell it to ye face to face..." Cried Eddie, remorseful.

"I can wait a long time for ya to finally do so, Ed." Confessed the young man

As Paul leaned to press his lips against Eddie's, George's shout made him jump. "Come on Macca!"

Paul sighed as Eddie picked his suitcase up. "I've waited a long time...what will a few weeks more will do?" Faintly smiled Eddie, giving him his luggage. "Now go on..."

Eddie watched Paul running to the train door. Peeking his head out of a window, John waved to the people on the platform. Eddie waved back at him smiling. She was soon joined by Mimi.

As the train left the station, Mimi leaned over her niece. "Did I just see the little McCartney trying to kiss you?" Asked the woman, reaching for her pack of cigarettes in her small leather handbag.

Eddie didn't responded right away, not knowing the answer herself. Is that what he wanted to do? "No. And If he did, I would have pushed him away." Lied Eddie, slowly realizing what might have happened.

"Good then!" Exclaimed Mimi, lighting her cigarette.

"How about a good breakfast at my place?" Asked Jim, cheerfully joining Mimi and Eddie, followed by Cynthia.

"Sound Lovely!" Smiled Eddie.


I enjoyed writing this one so much!
Hope you like it.

Maybe the last part with Paul sucks a bit. I cut out a large part I felt was incoherent...but I will put it in further chapters. It will suit the story better!

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