Chapter 12: Top Ten Club

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June 11th, 1961

"Will three pairs of trousers will be enough?" Eddie asked her aunt, starring at her opened suitcase laid on the dining room table. It was filled to the brim with neatly folded jumpers, undergarments, shirts, on nightgown and pants. Eddie wanted to be sure she didn't forget anything important through all the stress and nervousness this first trip abroad was bringing to her.

Mimi appeared in the room behind her niece to look at what she packed. "I haven't the slightest idea, darling. I don't wear those atrocities." Exhaled the woman. 

Eddie chuckled . Mimi will never get over them. "Okay. just to please you, I'll pack one dress." Promised the girl, pushing some jeans together to see if if she could squeeze anymore clothing. "I think it will fit." She remarked.  Hearing Mimi sniff behind her, Eddie turned around to see her aunt wiping a tear at the corner of one eye, too proud to let her niece see she was upset. 

"Let me guess. Some dust in ye eye?" Joked Eddie, touched to see Mimi getting emotional. 

Mimi chuckled and nodded before opening her arms to Eddie. Surprised by this rare manifestation of love, and affection, she smiled softly ans buried herself into her aunt's arms.

"Be careful out there, Victoria." Warned Mimi, stroking the girl's hair.  

Eddie slowly began to cry as well. She knew Mimi was extremely serious when she called her by her real name. She never really liked it because it often meant she was in trouble, but this time, Eddie felt how much Mimi care and was worried for her. 

"Ye have nothing to worry about. I'll have 5  boys who'll watch over me." Eddie reassured her aunt, looking up at her. 

"They better be. John promised me to keep you safe before he left." Softly cried Mimi. "Now go get the last things you need and go to bed. You have to wake up early tomorrow." Commanded Mimi, clapping in her hands once. 


The faint rumbling of the train kept tired Cynthia asleep for most of the trip. It wasn't such a case for Eddie, way too amazed at all the different landscape and towns she never heard of they passed by since leaving Liverpool in the early morning. She couldn't just sleep through all of it. However, she couldn't blame Cynthia who was just through a college semester and had already seen all of it the last time she traveled to hamburg with Dorothy. 

Not having anyone to speak to left Eddie alone with her thoughts. Her eyes locked at the window of the cabin the two girls shared in this new train they hoped on in France after a short Ferry trip from the coast of England. She couldn't help herself to worry through her excitement. How will it actually be? Was it as bad as John warned her or was it fine according to Paul and Richard. She asked herself so many questions. How's the nightlife? Where will she sleep? Is the food good or weird? How much German will she have to learn? Will she be a burden to the boys? And what about Paul?

What about Paul?


Eddie could feel her heart racing when the train finally came to it's final stop at St-Georg station right in the middle of Hamburg. Standing, up, she let out a shaky breath as she reached for her suitcase and duffel bag from the luggage compartment above their seats. Cynthia, still a bit sleepy, gently stroked Eddie's shoulder, smiling at her in hope to help calming her down. Eddie sighed back, putting her bag on her shoulder. 

As she stepped out of the cabin to the hallway, Eddie felt the excitement slowly tickle her cheeks and lips into a large grin. A controller, standing at the nearest door, slightly nodded at the two women as they got out of the train. Onto the outside platform, the warm light of the imminent sunset tinted the sky a soft mix of pink and lavender through the few clouds scattered above their heads. 

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