Chapter 19: Double Date

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July 7th, 1961

"How about some Fish n' chips? I'm starvin'." Suggested John, wrapping one arm around Cynthia's shoulders.

"It's probably a Lennon thing 'cause I am too." Exclaimed Eddie, turning her head to Paul, giggling

John smiled to his sister as she grabbed Paul's hand. The two couples turned a street corner onto Penny Lane; Liverpool's epicenter of bus terminuses and small restaurants and businesses. John and Paul took advantage of having a few days off following their homecoming to spend time with their respective girlfriends. It was Cynthia's idea to go on a afternoon stroll through the city. The day was way too beautiful not to enjoy it. For the occasion, Eddie dug out her black capris and stripped sleeveless shirt from her dresser and completed the look with cute little pigtails, Cynthia's large white framed sunglasses and the necklace John bought her. Paul couldn't take his eyes off her.

"I guess I can use something to eat too." Added Paul. "My favorite place is two blocks down." He pointed. "Why don't you girls go sit on this bench under the tree shade and we'll pick it up for us." He suggested, smiling to Eddie.

The woman turned to him and reached for her small coin purse in her pocket. "Okay. Lemme just get ye money for..."

Paul interrupted Eddie, pulling her in a tight embrace. "No need, I got you, girl." Said the man, well aware his girlfriend still needed to pay back the bicycle Mimi bought her. Eddie grinned widely and kissed him.

"Ugh, disgusting. So many blokes in Liverpool and ye kiss this one, Eddie?" Teased John, hiding his eyes behind one hand. Eddie looked at her brother, raising her eyebrows before flipping him off. "Okay...we'll go get the food." He laughed.

As Paul and John kept on walking down the street to the restaurant, Cynthia pushed a sigh of relief as she sat down on the bench a few feet away from where they were standing. The woman took of her large brim hat to fan herself with it. "I can't remember the last time we had a hot day like this." She declared, looking up at the bright blue sky above her. "God, Eddie, I don't even know how you can bare wearing these black capris." She laughed, putting her hat back on her head and pushing all of her blonde hair on one side of her neck, turning to her friend. "We haven't got time to chat alone since we got back. How are things with Paul? He sure looks in total love." Cynthia smiled excitedly, happy for her friend.

"Does he?" Blushed Eddie, pushing her sunglasses up on the top of her head.

"Eddie. Look at me!" Asked Cynthia, seriously, lowering her tone. "Have you ever seen Paul looking at another girl as much as he looks at you? If so, you have to tell me because I need to know." She joked.

Eddie sat back on the bench silently as her eyes stared blankly into space, thinking about all the girls she saw coming in and out of Paul's life, some quicker than others; Thelma, Cory, Anita, Dorothy and the few more she didn't have time to learn their names... She used to envy them all as she shyly stood alone in her corner. Now that she was the one in his arms, she couldn't bring herself to stop second-guessing this burgeoning relationship. Of course she knew love takes time and efforts to make it work out, but to her, it felt like she will never be enough to this man she though was beyond her reach.

"Still thinking you ain't worth it?" Asked Cynthia, seeing Eddie still had her had in the clouds. "What makes you so worried? You are pretty and funny. Paul loves you...genuinely. There's no doubt. Stop this or you will hurt yourself." She stroked Eddie's shoulder as she took a deep breath. "Is there something on your mind? You know you can talk to me. I know your brother is not the best for these kinds of things, so..."

"Actually, I do. " Eddie's voice quivered with nervousness. She looked around her and bit her bottom lip. It wasn't the place and most definitely not the time to do it, but now that Cynthia brought it up, Eddie had a hard time keeping her secret of her last night in Germany whithin her mind and heart. It needed to come out so badly it hurt her. "Cyn, it's not an easy thing to say. Uh...I haven't told anyone yet." She sighed, fighting against her need to cry.

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