Chapter 1 : Ain't she sweet?

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Janurary 16th, 1961

" Where are you going?" Asked Mimi, washing the dishes as Eddie tried sneaking behind her. The young woman swore her aunt had eyes behind her head. 

"I'm going at John's. The boys are rehearsing some new stuff." Answered Eddie, putting her long red coat  she got from her mother after her passing. 

"Fine. Don't get back after 11 and make your brother walk you back! I don't want you alone in the streets at night."

Eddie nodded, wrapping the black scarf Mimi knitted her the year prior. It was always the same thing; She had to come back with a male chaperone, According to Mimi, it had to be John, Paul, Stuart or some other neighbor she trusted. If she was ever caught alone or with someone else, she was grounded for a week; laundry, dishes and dusting. Most of the time, Eddie didn't mind the extra company on the bus or walking back home. She was so used to it anyway. 

"No worries. Love you Mimi!" Assured Eddie as she quickly left the house. If she hurried, she could catch a bus, shortening her hour and a half long walk to John and Stu's flat. Luckily, she caught one at the last minute, ditching the cold and snowy Liverpool evening. 

Arrived at the flat, Eddie knocked energetically at the door. She could hear strumming through the thin walls. A blonde woman opened the door.

"Ah! Eddie! Finally some feminine company! I thought you were staying home tonight." Smiled the woman.

"Are ye kiddin' Cyn? I would never miss these types of nights." Declared Eddie, stepping into the apartment. 

Seeing his sister removing her coat, John, sitting with George and Paul, stopped playing and laid his guitar on the floor to greet his guest. They both shared a warm embrace before John invited her in the living room. Although, living room was a strong word. there was only three wooden chairs, a wobbly coffee table and smelly couch John and Pete once found on the street and carried to the flat one day. 

Eddie sat on the floor beside George, smiling to him. As she turned her head to the right, her eyes met Paul's who was sitting on the couch in front of her and shyly nodded to him. The young man, used to the timid ways of his best friend's sister, winked at her. Eddie snapped back at George, ignoring Paul's attention. 


Two hours went by. Songs were played, alcohol was drank. It was almost 10. Cynthia and Eddie were dancing and laughing to one of the songs the boys learned that night. John, standing in the corner of the room, swayed at the rhythm he and his friends were playing, influenced by the pure joy his girlfriend and sister were giving him.

"Just cast an eye
in her direction
Oh me oh my
Ain't that perfection? 

Oh, I repeat
Well, don't you think that's kind of neat?
Yes, I ask you very confidentially
Ain't she sweet?Oh, ain't she sweet?
Well, see her walking down that street
Well, I ask you very confidentially
Ain't she sweet?

Well, I ask you very confidentially
Ain't she sweet?"

The three boys smiled at the sight of the girls hugging and giggling at the end of the performance. Paul stood up, finishing his bear. He turned to Eddie and Cynthia, asking them if they could use another drink. Cynthia declined. saying she had to go home

"Oh no! Not yet?" Whined Eddie.

"Yeah. I got school tomorrow."

Eddie sighed and hugged her friend again to say goodbye. As John accompanied his partner to the front door, Paul approached Eddie gently.

"And you? You don't want to even try it, love? Y'know, it's no good at the beginning, but you quickly get used to it."

Eddie silently shook her head, shrugging lightly. As Paul walked to the tiny kitchen, the young woman wandered to the window to look at the night sky. She stared down at her brother's guitar, picked it up and strummed lightly as George left for the bathroom.

In the kitchen, John joined Paul who was opening a bottle of bear on the corner of the chipped tile counter top.

"John, you can at least buy a bottle opener." Begged Paul, still surprised at how John was comfortable living in this filthy flat. 

"Wha'? Isn't the counter good enough? Hey...Look over Eddie will ya? I'm going at Cyn's. I really need to..."
"Yes...I know what you need, John. And still. She just turned 18 last week. She can..."

"Paulie, I know me sis'. Just walk her home." Interrupted John, walking out to the living room followed by Paul. The man abruptly stopped, hearing his sister singing. "

Then there was music and wonderful roses
They tell me
In sweet fragrant meadows
Of dawn and dew"

Hearing his sister was such a rare moment for John, who stood there silently, with a faint smile on his face; in complete admiration while Paul's mouth fell to the ground. 

"How come I've never hear yer sister sing before?" Asked Paul, baffled.

"She's a Lennon...a quiet, but surprising one, Paul! You just have to wait for her to open up to ya. Then you'll see her how I see her." Lovingly stated John before leaving his flat to meet Cynthia waiting outside. 

Paul took a sip of his beer and approached Eddie was still signing, Her voice was low and appealing. It reminded him of Patsy Cline's.

There was love all around
But I never heard it singing
No, I never heard it at all
Till there was.."

Eddie stopped playing when she spotted Paul at the corner of her eye. She cleared her throat and awkwardly put back the guitar where it belonged.

"It was good Ed! What is it?"

"Hum....thanks.'s from the Music Man." Answered the girl, surprised to receive a compliment. Being called Ed for the first time didn't help her nervousness. 

She looked around her anxiously, probably to find her brother, thought Paul. Realizing it was the first time they were alone without John around, Paul understood the girl's nervous state. 

"uh....Why don't you show me the song?"

Eddie, not finding anyone around, chuckled nervoulsy. She had to escape this stressful situation. She looked at her small golden watch.

"Sounds lovely, but I really have to go. I....I got school tomorrow as well." 

Eddie wasted no time dashing to the front door, jumping into her boots and her coat. Before Paul could even say a word, she already fled. Bringing his bottle to his lips, he peeked out of the window where he saw her hurrying down Gambier Terrace. He sighed , sitting down on the disgusting couch. He thought about how hard it was to talk to Eddie. He jumped out of hid thoughts when he reminded himself Eddie wasn't even in school anymore and that he was supposed to walk her home. He put down his beer bottle of the coffee table and stormed out as fast as Eddie did. 

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