Chapter 22: Crossed paths

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July 23rd, 1961

"Y'know, Ed, sometimes I just don't know how to handle John. He think's we're the bloody best y'know....but we can't be paid mediocre salaries to play covers. We need to believe in our own songs."

Eddie sighed, wiping the few spots of spilled coffee and sugar granules scattered across the counter with a wet rag after two quite sloppy customers left to attend a class at the nearby college of arts. The coffee shop was quite busy. Paul didn't chose the right moment to come and have lunch. It was an obvious excuse to have a chat with Eddie, but knowing he had walked a long way from the cavern after his lunchtime gig, Eddie couldn't turn him away. She let him sit at the counter and listened to him complaining about how these middays gigs had a shitty audience or how bad the band was paid compared to some other bands. Eddie simply let Paul rant, having other problems to care about. The woman looked up at her boyfriend. "Paul, I'm at work. Ye can't..."

Eddie was cut off by Mildred putting two cups of tea in front of her helper to serve two young girls sitting at the front of the Coffee shop. She picked the cups up as she approached the table, Eddie looked at the two young ladies sitting side by side. The short-haired one clearly seemed nervous and emotional. The other one, a beautiful blonde wearing a white beret, was trying to cheer her up, stroking her back and holding her hand. Eddie didn't mean ton invade their private conversation, but before reaching the table, she heard a snippet of their discussion. The subject mater of it really caught her attention.

"I don't know what to do. Matthew and I are still in school. We're not ready for a child. I don't know how we can possibly manage. I mean..." Said the short-haired one, holding back her tears. As she heard footsteps coming towards the table, she stopped talking and looked up at Eddie putting down the cups of tea in front of them. The two women smiled faintly and nodded once at Eddie as a silent thank you.

Walking back to the counter, Eddie couldn't take her mind off these two women. She tried to distinguish their conversation through all the noise surrounding her. She picked up he broom hiding between the tall, display fridge filled with soft drinks and the wall as Paul kept on talking about his day. "And Pete is just maddening these days. How can this bloke always be tired?" He complained, before taking a bite of his chip butty. Eddie crouched down behind the counter and exhaled, rubbing her temples. She only whished her boyfriend could leave her alone while she works. She met Paul's doe eyes she stood back up. "Paul...Uh." Eddie didn't know how to ask him to leave, fearing he might get angry. "Paul, don't you have plans for this afternoon?" She questioned, picking up the dustpan from under the counter.

"Not really, but, y'know, it'll probably end up with John and I rehearsing a new song for future sets. We are thinking of maybe doing a cover of Twist & Shout by...Ed?" Paul stopped, noticing Eddie wasn't listening. She was subtly eying the tables on her right. He waved his hand swiftly in front of Eddie's face, catching her attention. "Ed, are ye listening to me?"

Eddie sighed, rubbing the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. "Ugh, sorry love. What were ye saying?" Eddie's eyes directly went back to the young women, sitting by the front door. The short haired one was now crying. The corner of her lips pulled down as her brows furrowed. She didn't know a thing about her, yet she understood her sorrow. She held herself back from sitting at this table to listen to her, to tell her she wasn't the only one.

Paul took the last bite of his sandwich before ungracefully speaking with his mouth full. " I said John and I thought of doing a cover of Twist & Shout by the Top Notes."

Eddie turned back to Paul. "Sounds great." She forced a smile, looking down at his empty plate. "Enjoyed your meal?" She finally snickered, seeing Paul licking his fingers. The man nodded, pulling money from his pant pocket. "One schilling, hun'." Eddie said, leaning forward on the broom. Paul placed the money on the counter, leaving a generous tip. "And what do ye want me to do with this? Ye just told me you weren't paid much." She questioned, thinking it was no use for him to leave her extra money.

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