Chapter 2: New cut confidence.

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Janurary 17th, 1961

A loud knock on Eddie's bedroom door woke her up form a way too short sleep. Mimi opened the door and stood in the doorway, crossing her arms

"First of all, young Lady, you came home alone last night, I saw you. Second of all, have you seen what time it is?" She asked in a firm tone.

Eddie lifted her head and squinted, trying to look clearly at her aunt. 

"John left without me noticing and no, Mimi. I don't know what time it is because I was sleeping." Eddie laid her head down as she heard a loud sigh leaving Mimi's lips.

"Very clever young lady. Your week of chores begins tonight, but before, I want you to look around some schools and figure out what you want to study. I don't want you passing by getting an education, like John who's only obsessed by his bloody Guitar."
"But I like me Rock and Roll obsessed brother!" Argued Eddie, ungracefully yawning. 

Mimi walked out of the room and went downstairs; surely to finish the book she started reading the night before. Eddie groaned as she decided to get out of bed against her will. She knew we wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep. She walked to her door to close it back and to look at herself in the mirror.  She looked down at her yellow nightgown before running her fingers through her messy hair. She was too tired to put on rollers the night before. As she opened her dresser up, the telephone rang downstairs. Eddie paid no attention as she was focused on which shirt could compliment her dark cigarette jeans. 

"Eddie! It's Cynthia!" Screamed Mimi from the downstairs hallway. 

Eddie's face lit up and she hurried downstairs to pick up the handset her aunt left lying on the wooden credenza of the living room. 

"What can I do for you today, dear friend?" Asked the woman, taking a strong BBC accent. 

"God, Eddie! Were you still sleeping? It's almost 11." Exclaimed Cynthia.

"Cyn! What am I to do other than getting that beauty sleep? Wha' is it?"

"I'm finishing classes at 1 today. How about a little trip to the beauty salon? I have to get my roots done."

"How many times you have to do tha' in a year? And only to please me wanker of a brother?! I don't know what is so attractive in this Brigitte Bardot gall." Complained Eddie.

Cynthia was used to Eddie whining  about how her brother and his friends all wanted their partners to change their appearance. 

"Meh! It has grown on me honestly. So ye commin' or nah?"

"Fine. I guess I can use a haircut meself." Agreed Eddie. 


Cynthia asked Eddie to meet her at Ashley Dupre's continental hair and beauty salon not too far from the where she was studying at the art college. The two women were greeted by a teenager with dark brown hair. 

"Welcome at Ashley Dupre's. Do you have an appointment?"
"Yes, I'm booked with Barbara." Replied Cynthia, pointing at the right hairdresser. 

The young woman smiled and showed Cynthia the way to her chair. Eddie followed her friend as she was offered something to drink by the young hostess. Cynthia politely declined and the teenager turned to Eddie. 

"And you?"

"Well, I don't have an appointment, but I would like a haircut. Nothing too complicated."

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