Chapter 20: Sunday Brunch

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July 14th, 1961

Eddie's heart pounded as she knocked on the door of 20 Forthlin Road. She gazed down at the bouquet of marigolds she brought directly from Mrs. Davie's garden. She smiled and smelled them before jumping as she heard the front door open. 

Paul grinned. "Are these for me? How thoughtful!" He exclaimed, stepping out of the house. 

"Very funny, James." She giggled, starring at the flowers again. 

Paul pointed at the doorway behind him. "We were just waitin' for ya! Come in." He invited, taking one step back into the house. However, he quickly turned around, noticing Eddie wasn't following him. "What's wrong my love?" He asked, leaning against the door frame. 

Eddie looked down at her baby pink, short-sleeved shirt and dark washed, rolled-up jeans then back at Paul. "Did I underdress?" 

"Are ye kiddin' Ed? Looked at me!" Ordered Paul, showing off his olive polo shirt and jeans. "Come on, love." He insisted. 

As Eddie walked into the house, Paul wrapped his arm around her shoulders and guided her to the living area where a dozen of people were cramped into the small room. All eyes turned to them, making Eddie extremely uncomfortable. Paul's father stood up from his armchair and smiled widely at the couple. "Oh! If it isn't the lovely Edwidge!" He announced, walking to her. He greeted the young woman with a gentle kiss on the cheek and a warm embrace. Eddie timidly handed the man the man the bouquet, thanking him for inviting her to his Sunday brunch.

"They are beautiful. Just like you, love!" Jim kindly winked at Eddie. "Such a thoughtful gesture. They will look great on the dinner table. Come in! Sit down, make yourself at home, you know the drill. It's not the first time you're here." The man stroked her shoulder before turning around to face his other guests. "This is Edwidge. The girl Paul is currently courting." 

Paul and Eddie shared a small smirk. Paul's father was the old-fashioned Englishman type. As she made his way to the kitchen, a middle-aged, short haired woman stood up to shake Eddie's hand. "Lovely to meet you Ed...Edw..." She frowned before letting out a small giggle. 

"Eddie is fine ma'am." Eddie replied politely. 

"Eddie!" Smiled the woman. "I'm Mildred. Paul's aunt. But people call me Auntie Millie." She slightly turned around and pointed two men sitting on the couch behind her, sharing a cup of tea. "This is my husband Albert and my son, Stephen. He's about Michael's age. And my daughter Betty is probably helping Jin with the food in the kitchen."

Paul introduced Eddie to everybody else; Uncle Jack, almost a spitting copy of his brother Jim. He was chatting by the fireplace with uncle Andrew, Auntie Jin's husband; a small bald man with a fiery red mustache. Jin and Andrew had an only child; Ian, aged 14, playing chess in the corner of the living room with cousin Dianne, Jack's daughter, almost the same age as Ian. Jin and Betty where in the kitchen as Millie suspected. They where also helped by Wilma, Jack's wife. Standing beside the three women, Jim put the marigolds in a vase. "I know it's a lot of names to remember. There is also people missing!" He chuckled. 

"No worries Mr. McCartney I'm sure I'll get around it quickly." Eddie replied. 

"Please, call me Jim. it makes me feel less of an old man." Jim begged, walking out of the kitchen with the vase in hands The man placed it in the middle of he small dinning table. 


Sitting on wooden lounging chairs in the back garden, Eddie was chatting with Millie and Wilma as cousins Betty and Dianne were sitting in the grass a few feet away, gossiping. Eddie was subjected to all the questions she was expecting since she knew she was invited to this family gathering; "Where are you working?" "Are you still in school?" "What do you intend to do in life?" "Since when are you and Paul together." Eddie answered them all timidly, but frankly. She couldn't help nut feel like an outsider to this family. It was a normal feeling to anyone, but to Eddie it was worse. The two aunts joined her after they saw the young woman sitting alone outside, isolating herself. Slowly, Eddie opened up to these two sympathetic strangers. 

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