Chapter 18: New Beginnings

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June 28th, 1961

Bright rays of sunshine came through Eddie's bedroom window. The lighting was perfect for her to read. She grabbed the book she took from Mimi's large collection and sat, her back on the wall, placing her pillow behind her lower back for better comfort. 

Ever since Eddie came back to Liverpool, the young woman engaged intensely into books, wanting to get through every single one she could get her hands on. It was the best way to distract herself within the comfort and safety of her own home. Her mind was busy picturing the multiples sceneries and numerous characters she was reading about. For most of the day, she had her nose in books.   

Mimi knocked once on Eddie's bedroom door, warning her of her presence. Eddie didn't answer, way too absorbed into the novel's intrigue. Mimi walked in anyway, holding a round woven basket. She stood silently in the doorway for a few seconds, smiling proudly. 

"I Loved Pride and Prejudice.  I read it several times when I was your age." Shared Mimi, reading the title on the book's hardcover. 

Eddie raised her head swiftly, surprised. "Oh sorry. I haven't heard you come in.  Uh, yeah. It's good, for what I read so far." 

Mimi noticed three books stacked on top of each other on the floor right next to the bed as her niece marked her page with her yellow hair ribbon. They were all well known classics; Great Expectations, Mrs. Dalloway and Animal Farm. She wasn't surprised Eddie reached for the titles she heard about first. Mimi was happy all her efforts to persuade John and Eddie to read were now successful. John picked up novels at a far younger age than his sister, but it was better late than never she thought to herself. Mimi always had the habit to say reading was the key to knowledge and intelligence. Little did she know that for her nice, reading was the gateway to escape her awful, nightmarish, still too vivid memory of her last night in Hamburg. Although, with enough willpower and deep breaths, Eddie was now able to keep herself from breaking down, but it was something she wasn't so keen about, doubting her chances of succeeding greatly. She trusted books far better. 

"I'm heading to Mrs. Davies. We'll tend to her flower garden. If we're lucky, she will give us a bouquet. It will look great on the living room credenza. Don't you think?" Asked Mimi. 

"Absolutely." Smiled Eddie "We haven't had flowers around here for a while."

"Do you want to come with me? You haven't been out since you've been back." Pointed Mimi, resting the basket on her hip. 

"I do get out, Mimi. What are you talking about?" Chuckled Eddie, slowly getting nervous. 

"Only to go to work. At least I'm glad you're not working in that club anymore. All this alcohol, Rock and Roll music and you wondering out at night was just troubles waiting to happen." Declared Mimi, stepping to Eddie's dresser, spotting dust on top of it.

As her aunt grunted and meticulously brushed the dust off with the back of her hand, Eddie closed her eyes and breathed deeply. An unpleasant chill traveled her body before Mimi turned to her. 

"So? Do you want to come?" Repeated the woman, trying to get Eddie out of her bed.

Eddie shook her head with a faint smile. "No, but I promise I'll come with you to the grocer tomorrow." She suggested.

Mimi nodded gladly, enjoying the thought of having someone to help her carrying the bags back home. She said goodbye to her niece before leaving the room, saying she wouldn't be back until dinner time. Hearing the front door closing, Eddie sighed and put down her book on the night table. She turned to her wall where she pinned all the letters she received from John, Paul and the recently departed Christophe who left for his natal France. She unpinned the most recent one sent by Paul. She couldn't recall how many times she read it since it came through the mail slot three days ago. 

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