-What If Eddie Told Paul?- Part 3

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March 29th, 1962

The silent bedroom was suddenly disturbed by a heavy breath of discomfort as another wave of pain hit Eddie's lower abdomen. The woman sat up in her bed, leaving the latest book aunt Mimi recommended to help her pass the last agonizingly long days of waiting for this baby to finally come. She closed her eyes, feeling the contraction was different than those practice ones nurse Squire told her about during her most recent house visits for antenatal checkups. ''Its normal to have some now and then during the last weeks or days before baby comes, but trust me. You'll now yourself when things will take a turn. By then, I'll be just a phone call away sweetie.'' Her tender and reassuring voice resonated in Eddie's head for days on end. Especially since she had passed the 40th week mark 3 days prior.

As the contraction subsided, Eddie breathed deeply and looked down at her protruding belly. She sighed as she heard muffled guitar strums and belly laughs coming from downstairs. She rubbed both her temples before pushing herself out of bed; something she described as similar as the sighting of a cow failing to roll over. She regretted every words of it the second a giggle escaped her brother's lips during the last diner Mimi invited them and both of their respective partners. ­

''For the love of god, tell me they're not serious...'' Eddie voiced to herself at the bottom of the stairs of the McCartney residence at the sight of two wet tweed coats lying on the floor beside small puddles of rain water left by sizable pairs of boots. She walked passed it, groaning before stepping into the sitting room where Paul and John were sitting across from each other. Paul in his father's armchair and John on the piano bench. A small tape recorder was running, strategically placed in the center of the coffee table in the middle of them. Way too focused on the rolling tape taking into memory their newly found chord progression, they didn't notice someone was standing in the doorway, looking at them with arms crossed.

Eddie rolled her eyes and continued her way to the kitchen. The boys were now spending the entirety of their life for music. Playing almost every night at clubs and dancehalls while also preparing a revised set for their upcoming trip to Germany. Their third. It seemed to be the only topic of conversation. Another great opportunity according to the boys, but not with the greatest of timings in Eddie's opinion, but it seemed justified moneywise. The more money her husband brings home from shows, the quicker they will have a place of their own.

Eddie promptly braced herself to the edge of the counter when she felt one more contraction sprouting rom her lower back and growing forward to her abdomen. Her head fell forward as she slowly breathed remembering the tips from her nurse. She winced, making an effort to stay silent and not disturb the boy's recording. The pain stopped a few seconds later and Eddie straightened up, rubbing the small of her back. She quickly shook off what just happened and grabbed a clean tea towel from the pile she neatly folded the day prior. Tidying this house up was all she could do before this baby would decide when his day would come...and she started to dread this day was finally here.

The woman swore she was cursed with an invisibility spell coming down those steps because the men still haven't noticed her the second time she waddled past them back to the entryway of the house. She instinctually brought a hand to her back as she tried bending over to pick up one of the coat on the floor. She felt her breath shortened even more trying to reach Paul's jacket. She gave up, grunting as she raised back up. She decided to at least clean the water off the floor she spent a day scrubbing earlier in the week and slowly lowered herself to the ground.

''Edwidge, what are you doing on the floor again?'' Jim hurried his pace down the stairs, seeing his heavily pregnant daughter-in-law wiping the floor on all fours. Eddie turned her head to the right only to see the man's dark brown trousers and newly shined shoes. ''Oh! Just tidying up again.'' She answered, smiling, not blaming the mess on anyone. ''Let me help you, poor lass.'' Added Jim, hooking an arm under Eddie's to help her up. Both of them let out a small grunt, straining from standing back up, making them laugh. ''I hope you are not laughing at the old man that I am.'' Joked Jim, smoothing his hands over his crisp white shirt. Eddie shook her head and smiled at the man's gesture. She was always amazed by the appearance of this man's clothes. She was taking a liking for The Beatles new and cleaner style adopted by Brian. Shed guessed she like the look reminding her of people like Jim or her late uncle George.

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