Chapter 23: The woman

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July 25th, 1961

Eddie starred at the house Maxine referred to her for several minutes as two options conflicted in her mind; whether to knock on the door or not. Her palms were sweaty due to stress from the moment she left her aunt, lying about where she were headed. She rubbed them down her red circle skirt. The weather was so hot outside, Eddie had no other choice than wearing this skirt and a simple, color-matching stripped t-shirt she stole from Paul. She opted to take the bus transporting her from the corner of Menlove and Beaconsfield to Priory Road, not wanting to take the risk of riding her bicycle. Even if she knew anybody in Anfield, she feared someone might be recognizing her two-wheeler in front of 37 Utting avenue.

Eddie sighed as she climbed up the three concrete steps leading to the door. Closing her eyes, she knocked five times slowly, just as she was told. She nervously waited what seemed to be like a painfully long minute before a woman quickly opened the door and coldly asked her to come in. The woman looked to be in her late forties. She was tall and standing straight with her chest sticking out confidently. Her graying strawberry blonde hair was pulled back in a tight and neat bun. A single hair strand was falling down from the top oh her head, looking effortlessly beautiful, As soon as Eddie stepped in the woman swiftly slammed the door behind her, sighing loudly. "I should have known you were one of them as I saw you waiting out front. They always do this. They come out here seeking illegal services and they just stand there for the world to see." Declared the woman, pulling up the sleeves of her olive-colored top to her elbows and adjusting her tartan skirt. 

Without greeting her visitor, she made her way to the left side of the house with her brown heels clicking loudly. Eddie timidly followed her, holding her handbag to her abdomen. Entering a large parlor, the woman pointed out a leather loveseat for her guest to sit in. Eddie silently obeyed, laying her purse on her knees. The young woman looked around the room, impressed at the numerous paintings hanging on the walls. There was also a big television set in the corner. She didn't know anybody with a television this big. 

The woman sat in front of Eddie in a large armchair, crossing her legs gracefully. When her eyes crossed hers, Eddie straightened up and faintly cleared her throat, thinking about all the good manners Mimi taught her in her childhood. 

"So, looking to get rid of it?" The woman asked, frigid, eying Eddie from head to toe and picking up the packet of cigarettes resting on the chair's armrest. Hearing no response from the young woman in front of her, she paused, lighting her cigarette and taking a long and slow draw of it before slowly letting the smoke out of her lungs. She was used to the shy ones. "Come on. Don't be sheepish and waste our time here. Do you want to get rid of it?" She asked again, firmly. 

Eddie looked down at her handbag to avoid the woman's intimidating look. "Yes ma'am." She nodded, tightening her grip on her purse. 

"What's the name?" The woman questioned, tapping her cigarette over her standing ashtray. 

"Lennon....Victoria..." Eddie obediently answered. 

The woman raised an eyebrow, looking like she never heard the name before. "Not from Ansfield aren't you?"

"Woolton." Eddie replied, finally looking back up to the woman. 

"Well, who told you about here?" The woman asked before tacking another draw of her cigarette. 

Eddie nervously sighed. "A girl I met yesterday. She was previously told by one of her..."

The woman interrupted Eddie, blowing the smoke filling her lungs. "A friend of a friend...they all say that." She chuckled. 

A long silence settled between the two women. Nervously tapping her toe inside her shoe, Eddie cleared her throat again. "'re a doctor, I suppose...Or yer husband is?" Eddie said, rolling her handbag's strap around her fingers. The woman laughed lightly, setting her cigarette aside on the edge of the ashtray and putting her hand on her knee. "What makes you suppose this? I'm a seamstress and my husband was working on the docks before he died three years ago."

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