I honor my parents

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I look out and leave the room, I put my hair up a little messy but cute, my shoulders are exposed.the dress hugs my form. I walk and meet ohma,as usual can find him at any restaurants, i smile meeting him.his expression doesn't change as I sit down." Where have you been" i order a drink and hum"ooo Katahara Metsudo asked me to watch a match with him" Yamashita Kazuo about chokes and ohma raises an eyebrow" why" i look up and yawn" i don't know why just did"I get my drink and my phone buzzes,it's Takayama Minoru, I read the message " I wish to see you again" I smile and respond" as do I.reach out when your free.I have a match Tomorrow."I turn my phone off and smile at ohma and cup his cheeks and kiss his forehead" your match is coming up soon,be careful" I smile and leave. I get to my room,the old woman calls me"your match is tomorrow " I nod and look down.she looks at me"dont worry child, you will make your parents proud" I bow" I'm fighting Raian Kure tomorrow mama, he killed my parents, I will not lose this match,in their horror" we end the call and I go to bed and get up early and train a little at the gym, and get back and shower and get to the arena and sit in one of the rooms, I sit alone.I stand by the entrance and they start to introduce" on our right we present to you the first ever women to Participate in Kengan Annihilation Tournament, we have Y/N, (your wight, your preferred height,). Origin unknown, her companies net worth 200,606,000,. Y/N L/N. I walk out and the crowd goes wild, I wave and smile. Now in the right corner Raian Kure, son of the Kure clan. He walks in and smiles at me, I roll my eyes and stretch and warm my body up, I can hear is voice" you ready to die like your parents y/n, I growl and look at him, his face drops and the arena goes silent, my aura has changed, I'm pissed.as soon as the referee says fight, I run at him, Dodging all his punches, I hit his knee causing him to fall, I follow through with my knee sending him backwards, he's noses is bleeding" YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THAT" he screams, using the Kure move, I smile" about time you stop playing games,I wanna beat you at your best" everyone screams, I laugh and get into a stance as he runs at me,boom, right in the gut and flying backwards, I keep my arms up as a guard and cough up blood, move to the side and kick him in the back of the head, slamming his head into the ground, I get on top of him and keep punching,he grabs my neck and I gasp and struggle" your mom put up more of a fight then you did" I scream and kick him in the face, he let's go and I upper cut him, he smiles, and runs at me, I turn and kick and he goes flying, he's out" WINNER IS Y/N".I gasp lift my arm and fall to my knees and close my eyes " thank you father" walk out limping, I get to the side and ohma there, I smile and fall into his arms, passing out, the take me to the er. During that time different are in shock,theirs no way y/n defeated Raian, his brothers hum lightly and roll their eyes " he was stupid anyways, he's childish". I gasp and sit up and groan holding my stomach,I hear movements and look up seeing everyone, I look over at ohma"ummm hi" they all start talking" that was awesome y/n""who taught you this stuff". I smile and rub the back of my neck nervously and laugh. After I leave the doctor, I got out with ohma and a couple other friends.

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