Just one connection

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" I've grown tired of your attitude y/n " I roll my eyes hearing minoru complain for the thousandth time because I snapped at him twice today. " minoru baby please just stop I said I was sorry, I'm tired from everything Going on. " I understand that y/n but why must you take it out on me" minoru is the type when he gets disrespected all bets are off, you either die or he simply distant himself from you. I groan " I'm sorry minoru please " before he can say anything, the master walks in, we both bow. He sits and I look at him slightly nervous. When he's silent, he angry " y/n" I look up " yes master " he huffs and looks me in the eyes " you will need to go meet with the Kure clan, he has asked for your presents " I try to stay composed when I hear that family name. But I breath easy because I have one friend within the family. " have they given a reason master" he shakes his head. I nod and go to my room and dress for dinner. I leave and finally arrive at the large home. I'm greeted by two of the brother's. They bow and i bow, I walk in and see the old man and he says nothing but I'm lead to the dinner table, I sit and the tension in the room could be cut with a knife, I scan the room not seeing Raian. " why have you called me here " the old man looks at me " you have brought shame to my family" I try not to laugh at his sentence " I'm not here to argue with you " I sip my drink and hum and he scans my face" I'm not arguing, your ignorance has made you blind to your ways, the fight you had with my son. You've poisoned his mind, emotion weakens a warriors" I set my cup down " I may be younger then you but doesn't mean I'm stupid. We will never be equals, in this world we have leaders and then we have tyrants, A leader cares and support his people which earns him respect and support within his life as a tyrant seeks to destroy who ever is better then him" I set my fork down and stand " I know for a fact your not a good person by the way you treat your children. My youth doesn't make me stupid but your age has made you stuck in your ways Erioh Kure don't consider yourself a master, masters care for their students " I grab my coat and turn " you could of learned from my father, he was a true master" I walk out and leave. As I drive, I turn the radio on, I get stuck in my head and think about everything in my life. I get home and greet my master and inform him of went down, I look at minoru and he can see I'm drained, after we are dismissed, he follows me to my room, he shuts the door and I get changed into a black silk nightgown, I sit at my vanity and he changes and comes over and kiss the back of my neck and gets a brush and brushes my hair, I close my eyes and feel a peace come over me, he braids my hair then lifts me in his arms, he lays me down so he's over me and softly kisses my neck and rubs his thumb over my cheek, I put my hand on the outside of his hand and move my face more into his hand as he kisses my neck and chest. I breath lightly, this man makes me feel so loved he rests my head on the pillow and lays next to me and covers me, I turn look at him, he gives me one of his rare smile, I close my eyes and he rubs my cheek again. " my sweet sweet girl the world has not been kind to you " I listen to his words and feel myself getting some anxiety from his words, my life hasn't been the best but I do what I can. He moves me closer and I open my eyes to show tears, he kisses my forehead and I stay close to him and fall asleep in his arms.
✨Side note✨
I've been feeling kinda down so I'm giving the characters more emotions or more of a bond kinda stuck on what else to write so I enjoy giving the characters and emotional bond. Ig sorry if it's a bit dry.

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