Gentle giant

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I wake up to the sound of beeping, I groan and move my arm rubbing my eye. I look down seeing my stomach is wrapped along with my hand, I groan and look over to see ohma, he smiles. " y/n, you won, you actually won the whole tournament " I whine and sit up slowly feeling my head pound. I giggle painful and the doctor walks in smiling. Holding what I presume is my medical papers " your a brilliant Specimen, ooo what fun it be to dissect you" the nurse rolls her eyes. " not in front of the patient's doctor" I ignore his comment, my headache was beyond annoying. " can I get water" the nurse runs out, the doctor looks at me. " the damage you took you shouldn't even be up " I smirk " you should probably be checking on fang, I think he's in worse condition then me" the doctor smiles " he's a beast on his own, his body can take care of it self " I lay back down. I hear heavy food steps and don't look. A deep voice calls my name." Y/n" I open my eyes to see fang, I loo at him seriously and bow my head. " thank you warrior" he huffs " you are a stronger humble fighter and even in victory you bow to me " I look at him trying to figure out if I'm be mocked or praised. " should I be offended or pleased with your statements " I raise my eyebrow, he chuckles at my remark. " it's been an honor to fight you, I hope we cross paths again " he leaves. I run my fingers through my hair and close my eyes and the nurse hands me the water, the doctor leaves and ohma looks at me. " y/n" I hum " you seem out of it, what's wrong " I zone out a little bit and hum " in many history books, I read of someone enemies becoming their equals. People felt a since of pride for having even those who hate them respect them" I look at him " I'm fangs equal and I feel nothing. I'm happy I won it was for my parents " I lay down and ohma covers me, he smiles slightly. " you sound like an old monk in a temple, your stories are as if you are trying to make yourself learn " he fixes the blanket and I listen to his words. " knowledge is a gift " he laughs and gets up leavening. " get some rest " I hum closing my eyes, not even thirty minutes after ohma leaves, minoru walks in and sits down and holds my hand, I turn my head smiling. I was about to speak but he hushes me. " rest please" I close my eyes feeling my body relax. He rubs his large thumb over my hand gently, i hum and grip his hand. That night I fall asleep in that room, minoru never leaves my side. That morning I wake up and see minoru in the chair awake, my throat is dry and I groan. " minoru " he turns " your awake, you okay " I nod " water please" he gets me a bottle of water, I drink it and set it down. I groan and close my eyes. " I want to go to my room minoru " he nods and helps me get a shirt. He lifts me up and covers me with a blanket and walks to my room, the doctor walks pass. " wait where are you going" he does turn but keep walking " she want to go to her room " the doctor hums and just lets him go. My body feels warm and I feel something cold on my chest, I open one eye seeing my mother hand, i smile slightly and close my eyes. I hear the door open and my body feels the soft bed underneath me, the door shuts and minoru comes over. " y/n " i hum and breath lightly " you need anything else " I shake my head " no thank you, minoru " I feel his fingers move over my neck and chest. His fingers are cold and rough. I relax and he covers me. I close my eyes and then feel the bed dip behind me and an arm come around me, he kisses my shoulder lightly and I turn and rest on his chest. " thank you minoru " he only grunts and rubs my back and holding me close. " rest y/n, I'm here". I felt so safe in his arms, his comfort reminded me of my father, his warm and love and just care meant so much to me before his death. I look up at minoru and see his scars. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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