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The next morning I wake up to find minoru gone, it's a Saturday which means the master is out with certain business men. I get up and my large bath and the sun goes through my bathroom, I get in and take my hair out and pour water over my head closing my eyes, run my fingers through my hair and dangle my arm out the tub, looking out the glass window. I hear foot steps and I look over seeing minoru, we say nothing and he walks over and gently holds my hand, kissing it gently. I smile at his action and come up a little kissing his jaw. He's large hand goes to my back, and then see something in the corner of my eye, I push minoru and I back into the room a loud boom fills the room, I grab my robe and minoru puts me behind him, I see a large hoodies figure come in with a gun, i minoru looks up. "Who are you" the man chuckles and hits minoru with the gun knocking him to the side then kicks him off the balcony, I look up surprised. No way this dude just beat minoru, I go to get up and the man grabs me and injects stuff into my neck, I scream " MINORU" and go limp.
Minoru pov~
I get up rubbing my head and hear her scream, I jump up and run. " Y/N" I scream and she's gone. I run to my master and tell him everything. I'm so angry I break a table and throw it. I sit down feel a sense of guilt. " I failed you y/n" he cries.

Meanwhile I wake up, I'm sitting in a dark room and it's cold. I can hear water droplets, I can only see one dim light coming from the poorly sealed door. I move my arms seeing their tied. I look down I have only underwear and a tshirt. I scream and pull at the ties. " MINORU HELP, SOMEBODY HELP" I feel a sharp pain hit me, I scream and my head goes forehead. I low voice comes through the darkness. " shut up" I groan feeling tears come to my eyes. I try and turn but I feel a thick liquid move down my neck,i groan. " I'm bleeding " the man walks in front of me and he grabs my neck, I gasp and struggle. " stop I can't breath, STOP" he smiles and my body runs cold. He's crazy I'm going to die here. I scream and break my foot free and kick him back into a wall a couple feet away. He laughs evily. I gasp and cough trying to catch my breath, I look up and he's foot swings up and kicks my jaw, I go back with the chair and land on my side, I groan " what do you want?! Who are you " I breath heavy. It's hurts to breath now. He says nothing and grabs my hair and lifts me. I groan as he pulls my hair. " ooo don't play stupid with me, you know who I am " he gets closer, my brother looks into my eyes with so much rage, my parents said after my birth my older brother left the family completely disappearing. I cry " I thought you had passed, no please please brother " he slams my head into the ground. " we are family, what are you doing to me, you don't even know me brother please " he Starts kicking my stomach and face. " it's your fault out parents are dead, you left on your ooo so humble mission to learn the arts. Seriously " blood rubs out my mouth and I cry, he stops and bends down. " you are weak, I don't understand why they thought so highly of you, I never liked you " I cry looking up at my brother " I...I...I looked up - to brother, please " he drops my head and leaves the room, I cry and look up. " please minoru please find me"
Minoru pov
I go find ohma and some more people y/n knows, asking if they know anything and if they can find her. I meet ohma and he has no idea who could of taken her, I'm growing frustrated with this, the man who took her will pay. That night I get a call. " hello" the voice is low " ooo minoru hello there " I huff " who is this " the man laughs and I can hear movement and then a bloodcurdling scream. " come on talk to him" I hear crying and heavy breath." Minoru help me please" she speaks fast but gives me a name. The man hits her and she cries out, he hangs up. " no no no" I groan in frustration and search the name and inform the master. He sends some people out. I sit down and groan. Two days pass with no luck, when I lay down I can hear her screams, it rings through my head.

Meanwhile... I've been untied and left on the floor, it's cold and damp. I crawl to the wall and curl up trying to keep my body heat. I don't know how long I've been in this room, but he's only given me water and bread, my wounds are bad and I think one is infected. I turn and see my mother, she's in tears. She bends down looking at me holds my close. " no no" that's all she says as she holds me close, I give her a weak smile and close my eyes." Please ding cry mommy" I look up and she's gone and my brother has walked in. He has two men take me out the room, I shut my eyes because the light is extremely bright. I groan as they dress me and take me into a room with a bed and no windows. I lay down and try to save my energy. During my time here, I figured out everyone has a gun on them and one visits me ever couple hours. I cover up and hope minoru gets here or im going to have to do something.

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