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els pov:

Therapy went really good, I don't know what happened when Mike went in but he probably just talked about this mom.

It felt good to get that off my chest. Even though Mike is my best friend I also am really close to Max and Dustin.

But I can't tell them! Max would give me a 45 minute Ted talk on why I shouldn't have a crush on him, and Dustin, what a blabber mouth!

It's now the day after therapy and Mike invited me to go out tonight, I don't quite know why but in the text he said it would be fun.

This gave me no context in what I should wear, and i can't wear a paper bag like I'm in a Robert Munsch book.

Finally I decided on some baggy ripped jeans, a vintage sweatshirt and my white airforces.

I assumed this outfit would do for whatever Mike dragged me around to do with him tonight.

I started doing my makeup while putting on 'You belong with me' by Taylor swift to really set the mood I was feeling.

I mean, a girl can dream that their crush is gonna ask them out, but even if he did, I don't know what I would say.

It's so uncommon for me to have a crush. I can't tell if I just like him because he actually cares for me but that's just my mind telling me to push people away.

I just put on concealer, eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss, I do a slicked back bun to finish the look.

I feel prepared and text Mike to come pick me up.
mikes pov:

I get a text from 'el 🫶'
'Pick me up now, or else 🔫😐'

I kinda just laughed brushing it off as I leave me room to put on my sneakers and get my keys.

Millie always makes me pick her up, this girl has her own car and she has a drivers license but she just refuses to use them.

I was actually really nervous for tonight.

I planned on asking out el, she definitely didn't like me more then friends but it was worth the shot, scratch that it isn't but fuck it, right?
After going into the Therapists room after El, that's where I told Dr. Byers about my feeling towards El. He kinda just.. smirked?

I pushed off by him trying to bubbly for clients and thought nothing of it.

But after venting in there for 45 minutes, I went to go look for her to close off the meeting but she was no where to be found, the secretary said she was not in the bathroom but she had seen El walking out the door.

I went outside to faintly see El sobbing in the passenger seat.

'oh no.' I frowned as I jogged up to the vehicle.

She must have saw me cause she quickly wiped her tears away and hid her sadness as I got into my car.

I turned the volume down on her song she was playing 'champagne problems' and I looked down at her.

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