feel something.

85 4 2

mikes pov:

For the past 28 days el has been in a coma.
She has a forty percent chance of surviving.

I've visited her everyday, I don't know if it's because Will can't do to his mental state or that I care, a lot. My friends think I'm crazy and to be honest, I think I'm about to be. I don't even know why I went to El's that night.

I don't know why i keep visiting her though, I barely know her and she doesn't know me.
Max and Dusting have visited once, just because i am there though.

El knows everything about me at this point, she just doesn't remember, can she even hear me?
Sometimes even my closest friends wont listen, they make a joke. If I tell anyone at school, that equals more sorrow.

And if I tell El, she doesn't tell a soul.
I almost understand her now. Even though she said very few words to me.

So here I sit holding her hand, hoping that one day she will wake up and squeeze my hand back.

Each day I tell her
'You have forty percent chance of surviving, so let's make that fourty count not the sixty.' It's stupid, i know but what else do you say.

"Um, hey Mike." I hear.
I look up to see Will.

"Finally build't up the courage to vist?" I sigh. I understand what he is going through, but I've been taking care of her, reminding nurses of certain things she needs and pressing the emergency nurse button are she does the tiniest thing. Not her own brother, but of course I also feel bad for the guy.

"I guess, can - can I- um... can I have a minute alone with her?" Will stutters.

I look at the girl in the bed and look up at Will again. I nod and leave.

It's been wild, it's getting to the point where I feel her holding my hand back.
But that's because it's four am and I have been there for probably seventeen solid hours.

A nurse walks down the hallway and spots me.
"You are still here?" She laughs.

"Yeah I guess so." I chuckle.

"May I ask your relationship with Ms. Hopper?" She questions.

"I've probably spoken ten words too her but, she listens and I'm going to make sure she is okay." I smile.

"Love is crazy at a young age, i remember being like you." She smiles back.

We say a few more words to each other before I start to go.

"Mrs. Hopper is awake now." She grins.

My eyes light up and I whip back around and practically bolt into that room.

I get into the room to see her staring at me and back at Will.

"M-Mike Wheeler? What are you doing here?" She questions while she is squinting.

"He has been with you everyday for 28 days. The only times he is not here is school." Will says.

"This is the first time I came, I hate to admit it." He sighs.

"Oh, um...ok well then can I speak to him in private for a minute?" She asks.

Everyone nodded and left the room.

"Why?" She simply asks after a few seconds of silence.

"Beca- because I care about you! I don't know why I care, I just do!" I groan running my hands through my hair.

"Well thanks I guess." She sighs rubbing her head in confusion.

The room goes quiet.

"El why'd you do it?" I spit out after a minute or two of silence.

"To feel something maybe, I don't know." She sits ups, she groans still confused.

"Please don't ever do it again." I look over at her.

"Jesus, Why do you care?" She scoffs.

"Because I know hurt and depression and it's fucked up! I know that! I don't know happiness anymore!" I shed a tear.

She just closes her eyes and stays silent.

"Mike." She says.

"uh..yeah." I silently respond wiping my tear.

"Thank you, for um, visiting. But I'm okay, you can go home now." She sighs.

"You are fucking joking, I've been here non stop for the past month. Why would I leave just when you wake up? You have so much to catch up on." I laugh, hoping to get something out of her.

And I do, more than I expected. She smiled, a genuine, real smile with teeth.

So I stayed, and I told her about how I was always here, about how James moved away due to backlash, about how no body at school knows what to do but we are all hoping to see her come back, about a food fight that happened in the cafeteria over someone giving her sympathy, and most importantly how everyone is on her side.
Word count: 807

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