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els pov:

I wake up with Max practically on top of me. I got her off me and sat up and my hangover hit.

"Oh fuck." I groaned.

I heard a grunt from Max.
"You awake?" I ask.

"No." She responded.
I chuckled and told her to get up.

I got out of the bed and kicked the mess we made last night away with my feet.

"What the actual fuck did we do last night?" I asked.

"Wha- Jesus! El you room looks like it's been through hell and back!" Max says after sitting up and opening her eyes.

I grab my phone from my dresser and see the time.

"MAX! ITS ALMOST THREE?" I almost scream.

"you are joking right." Max's face dropped.
"We need to get ready for the party!" She added.

"No shit! I need to call Mike!" I say while going into my contacts.


M: *singing* Happy Bir-
M: what?
E: Me and Max just woke up, what is currently going on?
M: Nothing me and Dustin were just going to start decorating the house, we have blown up the balloons so far!
E: Ok, me and Max will be there soon, we're going to have to get ready at your house.
M: Ok, Lo-

"Oooo, He Loves you!!" Max teases.

"Stop. We need to go, are you getting in the shower here or there?" I responded.
"Honey, I'm home!" I sing out to Mike as I enter the house as a joke.

"In the kitchen!" He yelled back.

Me, Will and Max took off our shoes and walked into the kitchen.

"Ah, no birthday suit Will?" Dustin jokes as Will walks in.

"Come on dude." Will laughs.

I walk up to Mike and give him a kiss on the cheek.

His eyes widen and point to the others, so I'm assuming he doesn't know Dustin told them.

"I trust me, they know Mike." I giggled.

"You told them?" He whispered.

"No, your best man did." I give him a serious look as he just gives me a sorry, goofy smile. I just grab his cheek and pinch it.

"Ok Lovebirds, what is happening now?" Will asks.

"Me and Max need to shower, get ready and shit so like, have fun!" I say while jogging away followed by Max, avoiding work.
mikes pov:

"So what's it like being eighteen Will?" I question, mostly to just make conversation while I hang up a 'happy birthday' sign.

"Uh, it's good." He replies.

Out of everyone in the group we are the least close, i mean it's a little awkward me dating his sister and stuff.

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