want me.

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els pov:

Me and Mike had just got to therapy,
He makes me feel comfortable so of course I force him to go with me.

As we walk into the building and go up to the secretary, a old woman cripples over to us and asks

"What a cute couple, if you don't mind me asking, what's going on that you guys need couples therapy?" She smiles and giggles.

Old people are sweet, but so god damn nosey. I love them.

"Oh we aren-" I say beginning, but Mike cut me off.

"We are both fucked up, bad pasts, nothing wrong with us though!" He smiles.

The old lady nodded and talked to us for a few more seconds.

I looked at Mike with a confused look, he just side eyed me and gulped.

The woman walked away.

"What the fuck is up with you Mike, you are acting really...weird." My eyebrows pinch together.

"Well uh..Saying you aren't together causes to many questions El." He stutters followed by a toothy, almost proud grin.

I knew more was up, but we had to sign in so I left it for the session.

We sat down and I picked up a Tiger Beat Magazine on the table, it was beat to shit, but the people on the cover explain why, it's from 1994.

"Jeez, do they not have a monthly subscription to like vogue or anything?" Mike chuckles.

I kinda do that 'yeah' grunt-laugh.

"Michael Wheeler and Eleanor Hopper?" The secretary calls out.

"Nah, we are Wike Mheeler and Heleanor Opper !" Finn jokes as we stand up, he is looking around for a laugh and tapping my arm until I give him a disapproving look.

The woman ignores him a turns around to do paper work.

Mike blows a silent raspberry to me, I laugh and I walk towards the office.

"Hello Mike, El!" Dr. J Byers Speaks.
"Have a seat." He smiles and points to the couch.

"Hey Dr. Byers!" I say and return the gesture.

"So how has your guys last week been."
She starts.

"Pretty good, but I mean as a Teenager in High School, basically a teen mom to my little sister if is stressful! Holly has getting into more trouble lately and I have so much to study for." I whine.

"Okay El, Maybe try to calm her down and do a at home spa night or tell her how much she means to you, anything that won't make her disobey. Try and reason with her but don't yell." He explains.

I just sigh and look at Mike.

"Mike, how is your week going?" Dr. Byers Asks.

"Well, It's been hard. Earlier this week it's been 9 months since my moms passing, but luckily I have El by my side, she understands loosing a loved one, she just makes me feel happy." He faintly smiles.

I do a non - flirty smirk and look down at the ground.

"So how is your guys relationship?" The doctor asks.

"It was great, but-" Mike starts.
"No, Yours and Eleanor's ." He states.

"We aren't together!" I laugh.

"Oh really?" He raises his eyebrows.

He knows this by now, what is he doing?

None of us responded, I mean what are we supposed to say.

I love Mike, like that. But I don't know if I would be able to get into a relationship.

He is a great guy, he treats me right, and he treats Holly right, but James still has me scarred.

"Dr. Byers? Can I talk to you alone for a second?" I stumble on my words.

Mike looks at me and stands up without a answer, he walks out it of the room and says
"Tell me when to come in, I will be outside!" As he closes the door.

"Is everything o-"

"I love Mike." I tear up.

"There it is. Eleanor, is that a bad thing?" He questions.

I stand up and start to make circles around the room "Yes! I'm not ready for a relationship and even if I was He probably doesn't even like me back!" I run my hands through my hair in stress.

"Calm down Eleanor take some deep breaths." He guides.

I pant, until I catch my breathe.

"Do you mind telling me why you are not ready?" He listens.

"James, I was talking to him for months, and then when I thought he actually liked me, turns out he just wanted to fuck me! And then when I said no, being heart broken he raped me!" I ball.

"Do you get the same vibe from Mike as James?" She asks.

"Mike is a amazing guy! That's the confusing part, James seemed like a good guy." I groan

"But do you know if Mike is?" He states.

"I- I don't know what to say." I stutter.

"Well tell me why and why not he is a good guy." He smiled.

"Well when I was in the hospital, he visited me Every day and stayed until he was dropping, he is nice to me, we are best friends, um but he has bad anger issues and gets upset easily." I wipe away my tears and start to calm down.

"What about you go outside, and I will talk to Mike." She suggests.

"Are you going to tell him about my feelings?" I freeze and panic

"As far as I am concerned, that is a illegal." He chuckles.

"Okay..." I agree and walk out, eyes meeting with Mikes on the way.

istg y'all I just heard someone enter my house 😳 it's 12:30am and everyone is asleep.. miss girl- imma die 🥰 - 2020
^ I'm keeping that because it is hilarious no one broke in 💀 -2022
Word count: 957

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