girls just wanna have fun!

56 1 3

TW: eating disorder

els pov:

Tomorrow is mine and Wills eighteenth birthday! Who knew i would get this far, but I'm excited anyways. I'm having a big party at Mikes place.

Everyone at the school is invited but that doesn't mean I will talk to them, or like them.

The party starts at 9pm tomorrow, but Me, Will, Max and Dustin are going to Mikes at 6pm so we can spend time together.


What a number to be turning.

It's bittersweet though. I grew up faster than most people, I've been a adult mentally but now I'm physically going to be a adult.

It's eleven am and im still in bed just staring at my ceiling, so much has happened this week.

Me and Mike are now dating, Spring break started, Holly lost her front tooth, Will officially moved in and now we are turning eighteen.

Life does move fast.

I stay in that position a little bit longer until I hear my phone ding, i turn over on my side and grab my phone to see who the message is from.

I have a good morning text from Mike, Dustin sent me a photo of all the alcohol he has for the party, Jesus.
Holly texted me 2 hours ago to get up and make her breakfast but the text I just got was from Max.

Max 🛹🫶
Wanna go shopping at 12? I'll pick you up!

I stare at the text for a second and decide if I want to go.

Yeah sure, I love spending time with her.

sure, can we stop and get a few things for the party?🤩

Max 🛹🫶
no 😍 i will be there in 45 minutes to get you be ready 🫶🫶

She's joking about the 'no'.

When I realize how much time I have, i jumped up and run for the shower.

I do my whole routine, makeup, hair and i throw on a pair of leggings with a knit sweater, paired with some black low tops.

I say goodbye to Holly and go wake up Will.

I walk into his new room, and already I cannot see the floor.

I sigh and pick up a shoe on his floor, and chuck it at his head.

"Good morning piggy! Get up! It's almost noon and I'm leaving to go shop for our party tomorrow!" i say as he groans rubbing his head, half asleep.

As I go to walk out i turn around and tell him to clean his room by the time I get back.

"You're not my mom!" He yells as i close the door.

"This kid." I laugh under my breath.


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