time after time.

39 1 12

TW: death, death of a parent, murder, blood, mentions of suicide, abuse, kind of graphic explanation at points.


It was a normal night for me, i was in the bathroom covering up bruises on my arms from my husband.

We didn't want guests to see, especially when they will be here in a hour for a Summer party.

Nancy was in her room, getting ready for the guests and Michael was out with friends, he was supposed to be home by now to get ready for the party.

I don't think the kids know what goes on, and I hope they never find out.

I hear someone coming up the stairs, I'm assuming it's Michael and I just did hear the front door open, maybe he came in through the basement? It doesn't help that Nancy is blasting music in her room so loud I can hear it from the other side of the floor.

"Michael?" I yell out, but I get no response so I yell out again.

I still get no response until I hear the bathroom door slam open.

"Ted? What are you doing?" I look at him, cowarded in fear.

He isn't responding, he is just walking towards me with a mean stare.

I look down and see a beer bottle in his hand.
"Ted, are you drunk? Put the bottle down!" I beg, as he is holding it by the thinner end.

"Ted!" I yell, the last thing I see is the bottle swinging towards my head.

no ones pov

Ted continued to beat her with the bottle, even when she was on the ground, spilling blood everywhere.

He didn't care if anyone heard, he just needed her gone.

Once he knew she was dead, men came into the room and took her body.

They brought her out to a 'car crash' and put her into the car.
A cop found her around thirty minutes later.
No asked about how the Wheelers did not own that car.

When the cops came and told the family they asked
"Where was Karen going when you guys were expecting guests soon?"

Ted said she was going to get some last minute things for the party.

Michael sat there knowing he was full of shit.

It took two months to bury Karen.
Is that even allowed?

Who knows, but it happened anyways.
At the funeral Michael and Nancy did not get to see their mom one last time.
Her body was unrecognizable.

How did Ted get away with this?
Was he government like Michael expected? Yes, of course.
But he was untouchable government.

You know the kind of white men who can get away with anything, because they are white men?

He was one of those men.

What was Ted's motive?
Karen was sick of Ted being abusive towards her and was scared it would soon start happening to the kids, so she wanted a divorce. Ted didn't, they were the picture perfect family on the end of the cul-de-sac. Everyone wanted to be the wheelers.

Who kills people over a divorce? Lots of people, we just don't hear about it because people don't care enough.
People let the murdered down by hearing it on the radio and saying "That's sad." And continuing on!
This happens time after time!

Michael and Nancy missed their mom a lot, they knew their dad was a heinous man who loved no one except for himself.

Karen knew this was coming though, one day as Nancy was sorting through Karen's old things she found letters. Almost as if they were suicide letters.

But they weren't, they were goodbye letters. Her telling them how much she meant to them, and how you can never, ever trust your father.

Nancy found a clock that her mother had stored up in the attic, Nancy had never seen it before but it reminded her so much of Karen, so it sat on her wall.

It only ever made a annoying ticking sound, but that ticking sound was almost closure for Nancy.

It made her think of good times with her mom, she would sit there in bed for hours and just listen to it.

Michael had memories of his mom, but the more days that passed, they got grayer, like the were disappearing.

It's a strange thing that grief does, it's like Michael skipped the first stage of it.

He went straight to anger, he pushed everyone away, yelled at people in the school hallways, he was really a totally asshole, but people just kept trying to comfort him anyways, and he wanted nothing more for them to go away.

He didn't bargain either, he knew she was dead, he didn't deny it and he wouldn't pray to god that it was him instead of her or maybe if he was there in time to stop it or if he was in the car instead of his mom.
He knew there was no avoiding it.

The only time he really went through the depression of all of it was around the funeral. Obviously he missed his mom so much, she was his best friend that he could anything too but he felt like he needed to be there for Nancy. Her soul was a lot more gentle than his.
By the time he was in depression, she was still in denial.

Mike didn't hit acceptance until him and El starting dating.

He wished everyday that his mom would've been able to meet El, she would've loved her.

He hated his dad for what he did.
But for the sake of his mom, he tried to keep the house peaceful.

Okay that is what happened to Karen.... Sorry for not doing that earlier in the book I wanted to focus on the mains story line and keep it focused on mileven. This book only has what 4-5 chapters left? It's crazy about how I took a years break from this book and when I re downloaded wattpad i saw how god awful this book was. Maybe next year I will read this book again and have revamp it, who knows. I didn't know I would fall in love with writing this book but here I am! (My wisdom teeth surgery went really bad it took them two hours to get one tooth out and I was awake 👎 it was numbed but I could still feel it. 😔😔😔🤘🏻🤘🏻😵😵)
Word count: 1077

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