wish you were sober.

42 1 1

els pov

My own party was just ruined, and now I am in sitting in my car, covered in god knows what, crying and driving.

I don't know where, maybe I should just go home, but I don't want to deal with Mike yet.

I had to pull over and collect myself, if I didn't I would crash because I wouldn't be able to see.

So I sat there for 2 hours, until almost three o'clock, crying my eyes out.

No texts wondering where I am, no texts wondering if I'm already, just me being tagged in the video of me being embarrassed at my own party.

I had to start driving again, so I did.
I started driving home, I didn't want to see anybody.

Holly was at a friends for the night and Will is probably passed out in a bathtub back at Mikes, where I'm pretty sure the party has continued.

After a 15 minute drive I arrive and walk into the house.

I hear the TV playing loudly, like hurt your ears loud.

"What the fuck?" I mutter, still covered in some kind of drink that appears to be fruit punch and my makeup running down my face.

I walk into the living room to see Mike just sitting there watching TV.

"Why are you home?" He looks at me.

"Why are you not in bed?" I question back.

"What happened? You look like a mess." He slurs.

I'm sure he's not trying to be rude, and I'm sure I look like a hot mess so I just sigh.

He stands up.
"El what happened? You look like you've been crying." He asks again.

"Well I mean I've been crying all night and nothing, just go to sleep or something. I'm gone to my room." I tremble and walk down the hall.

"El, did you not hear me in the car earlier?" He stands at the other end of the hallway.

I turn around and look at him.

"Yes, i did Mike. But you are drunk, you don't mean it." I say.
"And I mean, look at me! I'm fat, I'm ugly and covered in whatever the fuck this is!" I add while I laugh through my sobs.

I turn back around, walk into my room and lock the door.

I hear a knock a few seconds later.

"El, im still hammered but I'm sober enough to know that you are not fat, you are not ugly, and I don't care what you look like. You are beautiful. I'm not saying I love you because I'm drunk, I'm saying it because I mean it, I've loved you since the second I saw you." He admits.

I can tell we are both sitting on opposite sides of the door.

"I wish you were sober." I sigh, walking away and crawling into my bed, not caring what is on me, i just need to wake up in a different day, or body.
I wake up in the morning to no texts.
Its 11:45am

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