high all the time.

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TW: slight mention of rape
els pov

Today is the last day of school, it's bittersweet though.

Sure, high school was absolute hell for me and I would never do it again.
Not for a million dollars, I was humiliated, bullied, drugged, beat up and the worst thing, raped.

But the people I met and loved, man.
Mike, my future husband.
Max, my forever best friend.
Dustin, the funniest fucker I know,
And I reunited with Will and Lucas.

They showed me what love and friendship was, and that I didn't need to be alone in life.

I mean also, if I didn't meet Mike that day I would've been dead.
Some people told me what I did was selfish, i don't blame them for thinking that. 'The second Will came you left him to take care of Holly' is the most popular one, but I think we all know it would've happened either way and I wasn't thinking about Will or Holly in that situation. I was only thinking about me, and you know what? That's okay to do sometimes.
Thinking about what I want is what has helped me recover.

Purdue is two hours away from Hawkins which means Mike and Me will have to move but Will and Holly are coming too.

Will is doing online college, because with all his followers, school was too overwhelming in a small town, he cant imagine in a huge city with thousands of students.

And I have leave custody of Holly so she would come with me anyways.

Me and Mike have been looking at jobs and houses and we have found both.

Mikes dad will send him money every month, he's loaded but Mike still needs a job, he is going to be a teachers assistant. I'm staying as a care taker, which also helps with references as I am working to be a social worker.
Will makes money off his accounts, so he has a job.

So now, here I am almost two years sitting in a classroom I thought I would never enter again.
And now after today, I won't.

Max walks into the classroom and makes her way towards me as I stand up to hug her.

"It's strange how time flies by, huh." I say as I wrap my arms around the ginger.

"Yeah." She choked on her sob, while trying to force a laugh.

We release the hug and sit in the table.
"Why are you crying Max?" I say while wiping her tears.

"I don't know, I guess I'm going to miss you guys and change isn't really my thing." She admits.

"Max, you are still going to see us." I smile.

"Not everyday! It's going to be weird, especially because my two best friends are like, basically engaged now and moving away two days after summer starts!" She looks down, chuckling.

"Will is leaving with you guys soon too! And Lucas is going to a out of state college and I'm stuck here in Hawkins with Dustin, don't tell him I said that because I do love him and all, but he will drive me crazy at some point!" She jokes.

I just frown and rub her back as she finishes crying.

"I'm sorry that we're leaving Max, but when we come back, we will make summer break the best fucking time of our life!" I say.

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