
46 2 4

els pov

I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of seeing people I love getting hurt because of my actions.

Life wasn't like this before I met Mike and Will moved in.

So I sit on my bed with a text written out to Mike that says
"I'm sorry Mike, but I'm tired of watching you get hurt because of me, so I think it would just be better if we broke up. Also College is coming up and I doubt we are going to the same school. I think this will be better in the long run."

I've been considering sending this for the past twenty minutes.
Obviously I don't want to break up with him, i love him with my whole heart. But I cant watch him getting hurt or beaten up anymore.

"Just do it!" I say to myself as I stare at the phone.

I count myself down and click the 'send' button.
I throw my phone across the room and groan of frustration.

It's currently four am so he isn't even going to respond for a few hours, which makes this so much worse for me, but I try to sleep anyways.

Will and Holly aren't home right now, Will took Holly to Indianapolis to watch some show or something, so it's just me.
I wake up to the doorbell of my house ringing about a good seventeen times.

"What the fuck?" I say to myself leaning over to check the time on my clock.

Six twenty - eight.
Who the fuck is at my door at six thirty in the god damn morning?

I groan and yell 'I'm coming!' Clearly angrily.

I swing open the door to see Mike, drenched head to toe in water breathing heavily at my door.

He doesn't even say 'hi' he just walks in and grabs me by the shoulders.

"What are you doing?" He says, flabbergasted.

"Why are you wet?" I ask.
"I ran here, why do you want to break up? We were perfectly fine at prom last night?" I says, pulling me into a hug as if I did not just break his heart, or 'try' to.

"It's nothing." I say shrugging it off.
"It's nothing? If it's nothing why are you breaking up with me?!" He says very upset.

"Look Mike! I don't want too, I tried of seeing you get into fights and getting hurt! It's all my fault too, you wouldn't be put into these situations if we weren't together!" I say turning around.

I try to walk away but feel a tight grasp grab my wrist.

"El." I hear his voice say, pulling me towards him.

"What?" I say looking at the floor.

"Remember that night by the fridge?" He asks.
"Yeah, how could I forget?" I respond.

"That night I told you I would do anything for you, and I meant it. I don't care about pissing off Jake and them, or getting a bad reputation, as long as it's all for you! I love you so much and I don't want to break up." He admits.

"I don't want to break up either." I tell him.
"We don't have too, El." He replies.

I don't speak.

"And we will be able to sort out college! I'll go to whatever school you are going too!" He says.

"No, Mike I cant let you throw away a dream for me." I tell him.

"What dream? I can go to school to be a  science teacher anywhere! So, Please. Just tell me that we still belong together, because both of us know it's true." He puts his hand on my cheek.

All I do in response is let a tear fall down my cheek.

"Don't cry." He says while wiping the tear.

"I'm sorry." I choke on my sob.
We spent the rest of that day on the sofa, just cuddling and talking, listening to the rain.

We had reassured each other multiple times that we were still utterly in love with each other and we talked about the college situation.

We both want to go to Purdue, the acceptance rate isn't too bad either at 67.9%. We are both good student who keep our grades up, so we have a good chance of getting in.

Throughout the day he joked a few times about my thought process of things, and how I always go with the first solution that enters my head.

By the end of the day it was like all was forgotten, and it basically was.

It felt like we were the only people in the world, and we found each other somehow. I love him so much.

Really quick chapter, definitely when compared to last one but this book is soon coming to a close. After I finish this book I am going write backwards, it's going to start off with longer chapters to explain somethings but other than that it's going to be more a short story. I have more story ideas that I really want to do too! Also sorry for the breakup scare 🫰🏻🫰🏻
Word count: 849

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