brown eyed girl.

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over the next few months Mike helped El get better, El helped Mike get better.

El gots lots of support at school, which she of course pushed away and cursed them out everyday but no one cared. She thought they were treating her like a baby.

Everyone actually believed El, which she was surprised by.

El had a great group of friends, who cared about her and checked up on her everyday.

Max and her were inseparable, but Mike saved her and helped her the most.
mikes pov:

I'm currently getting ready to pick El up for our last counseling session.

She is so much better now, Holly doesn't quite know what happened, but she won't worry about it anymore soon. She will forget.

Me and El have been attending the sessions together, She doesn't like being left alone with men, except me.

Which is odd, but I guess she trusts me.
I want to keep that trust because knowing that there is someone in my life that knows and keeps my secrets is amazing.

Sure, Dustin and Max were always there for me, but they didn't actually understand.

I mean, Me and El go through the same shit and we are getting better together. If one of us goes through something, so does the other one.

It's always nice to know I have her and she has me.

Another thing I wanted to get out is that I do love El.
"Girlfriend, or girl that's a friend."

Dustin is the only one who knows, sure Max is one of my best friends but she would tell El in a heartbeat.

Dustin likes to say I have 'the hots' for her, I shiver everytime.

Me and El aren't even on the go, but I knew I loved her when I tried to teach her how to skateboard, it was quite funny.

I don't know how to describe that moment though, bliss, euphoria maybe?

She crashed into a pole saying she was going to do a trick, I remember the moment exactly.

"It's so easy Mike seriously! All you have to do is jump and slide across the bar." El yelled, trying to explain with her hand motions.

"El, first off skating seems a lot more easier than it is and second, it's 1 am at a closed skatepark. If you break something no way we'd be able you jump the fence." I laughed.

"Potato, patata" she rolled her eyes.

"You didn't even use that right." I snorted.

"Stand behind me then, If I fall catch me." She smiles.

"Fine, but don't let Holly get her hands on me if I fail to catch you." I joke.

She ignores me as I walk over behind her.

"3...2...1...go!" I yell.

As expected she jumped, and didn't bring the skateboard with her and fell

straight into my arms.

I stop zoning out and pull into her driveway. I honk and yell at her.

"I'm coming Mike, Jesus Christ!" I hear her yell out of her window.

I chuckle and look at my phone.

"El we are late! Get your ass out here." I scream.

She runs out of her house struggling, hopping on one foot attempting to get her air forces on.

She climbs into the car,
"Be patient!" She  is obviously annoyed.

"What's wrong?" I question.
"You!" She jokes and goes for my CD's.

"What are you going to put on?" I say backing out of her driveway.

"Brown eyed girl." She smiles.

The song starts playing, as I tap on the wheel and she puts her feet on the headboard.

"Be careful, my dad would beat my ass if something happened to my car." I laugh.

"Screw him, he is a asshole anyways." She chuckles.

"yeah." It's gets really quiet, all you can hear is Van Morrison play guitar.

Hey, where did we go?
Days when the rains came
Down in the hollow
Playin' a new game
Laughin' and a-runnin', hey, hey
Skippin' and a-jumpin'
In the misty morning fog with
Our, our hearts a-thumping and you
my brown eyed girl.

All you could hear was El singing her heart out, and of course the traffic in the busy town of Hawkins.

And whatever happened
To Tuesday and so slow?
Going down the old mine with a
Transistor radio
Standing in the sunlight laughing
Hiding 'hind a rainbow's wall
Slipping and sliding
All along the waterfall with you
My brown-eyed girl
You, my brown-eyed girl
Do you remember when we used to sing?
Sha-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la tee-da
Just like that
Sha-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la tee-da, la-tee-da

El was giving her all, and I couldn't leave her hanging so I joined in.

So hard to find my way
Now that I'm all on my own
I saw you just the other day
My, how you have grown
Cast my memory back there, Lord
Sometimes I'm overcome thinking 'bout it
Making love in the green grass
Behind the stadium with you,

I smile at her, this is why i love her, this is why I wish she loved me too, this is why I wish she knew.

My brown-eyed girl
You, my brown-eyed girl
Do you remember when we used to sing?
Sha-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la tee-da
Sha-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la tee-da

It's end perfectly as we pull in and park.

"Only four minutes late." She laughs.
"Yeah let's go wait two hours because it was four long minutes." I joke.

She chuckles and we walk in.
i love this chapter, i also love revamping my book, it's like a throwback and improving my old work.
Word count: 983

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