Chapter 13: Just a Hallucination.

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It wasn't possible, I couldn't of done that, powers don't exist, or any type of magic, it's just an illusion.

I had been thinking hard to myself, forgetting that I had about 13 pairs of eyes peering straight at me. I looked as shocked as they did, I didn't know how to react. Should I run away?- no that will make them think for sure I have powers when I don't. Well I can't just stand here I have to do something!

Hmm, let's try these so called 'powers' then. "Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, do not fret. This was an illusion, me and this little girl met up a few days ago when she saw a magic trick of mine and wanted to try one for herself. At any point she was at risk of danger, I wouldn't of designed the magic trick. The girl was never in danger, you may ask ' but we saw her in slow motion in mid air' but as it had you all fooled she mearly had strings strong enough to carry her weight and also invisible enough to create a mind blowing illusion. Where do the strings attach too? The board that lies above us, the reason why it looks so realistic is because for one you don't really pay attention to the sky, and two there was a projector shining a fake realist sky into the board. If you do not believe me, see for yourself."

I kind of prayed that what I had said was true so that I don't look like a fool, the girls parents had checked the girl for strings, there was three hidden strings attached to her body. Then the father looked for a projector that shined a fake sky, it was hidden behind a tree that was covered in leaves so that it didn't give its position away.

"Everything this girl had said, is true. That is because I had helped her myself." a familiar voice blurted from behind.

I turned around nervously, I was mortified, is this some sick joke?
Jamie stood there acting as if nothing..had happened.

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