Damaged and Broken.

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Every day was the same.

I would get beaten every morning and night.

I get treated like dirt, like I wasn't meant to exist.

My father would abuse me, while my mother would throw anything she could at me.

I don't understand.

Why was I being treated like this?

What have I done for this to happen?

I was woken up by the sounds of birds tweeting outside my room, I heard school children pass my house laughing and gossiping what they had done over the weekend.

I wish I was like that.

I wish I had friends to talk to, to share secrets to, to gossip with. But of course no, I couldn't.

I tried to push the negative thoughts to the back of my mind, but it didn't work.

I tried to think of happy thoughts, ponies in the meadow eating the soft silky grass. I then thought about me, what would my life be like if I was treated equal, like a daughter, like family.

Normally my father would be storming across the room threating me with a knife by now, but for the first time he didn't.

I didn't understand, where was he? And my mother?

I slowly crept out of my room and made my way to the staircase. I had noticed something it was quiet...too quiet..

I noticed a shadow infront of me but it wasn't mine, I turned to see who the shadow belonged to and before I knew it I was unconscious in an ambulance, red and blue lights were flashing along with the loud deafening sirens, there was two people beside me, but it wasn't my parents, it was a police with a nurse.

I wasn't sure what had happened but the last thing I remember was having a knife sliced into my side and falling to the cold hard floor, with my blood pumping out of my body losing all my sences I had, I thought this was it I thought I was going to die.

I tried to speak to the two strangers but nothing came out, it was as if someone took my voice away, never to be heard again.

I was so confused and upset, there was so many questions I wanted to ask -where am I, what's going to happen to me, what will happen to my parents?- as a continuous flow of questions flew into my mind I closed my eyes, not knowing where I'll be next when I open them once again.

I kept saying to myself that this was dream or a nightmare but deep inside I hoped that I was out of that dreadful house away from all the violence I ever had throughtout my life.

I wanted to have a nice normal life, to have parents who would spoil me and would be proud to call me their daughter.

As I slowly open my eyes and prepare for the worst, I discovered that it wasn't a dream nor a nightmare, it was real! I was out of that dreadful house! I was free for now..

As I became more alert and awake I noticed I had tubes coming in and out of me and that I was wearing a really ugly dress, it was white with blue dots, I suppose it was one of the hospital dresses they would give to their patients-hang on a mintue hospital?

I looked around my surroundings taking in the bright light coming from the windows that reflect onto the walls making it almost unbearable to see.

I noticed that I wasn't the only one in the room, it had black clothing and had a cap on. It looked like the police from the ambluance, but I'm confused why was he here?

He was sleeping, snoring lightly. Which made me realise how long was I unconscious for and how long had he been here with me.

Who was he and what did he want from me that made it so important for him to stay when he could be out doing his job instead of sitting there, waiting for me to wake up.

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