Chapter 15: Standing Tall.

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"...Ring any bells?" She beams. I stood there with a shocked and excited face, no this couldn't be right, could it? "Is he here?" I asked suddenly, feeling bad for the fact I just accidentally ignored her from excitement I was experiencing. "Yes he is actually, well not here here but he's at home at the moment, he just got home from deployment. Would you like to see him once you've settled into your apartment?" She recalls, "Yes please!" I exclaimed. I couldn't believe it, after 10 years I was soon to meet my best friend, but.. would he recognise me? Remember me? Or worse still count me as a friend.

I walked into a massive open space, my very own personal space, where there can be no invaders, finally! My own home! Although there was lots to be done such as buying extra things such as furniture and food, defiantly food, mustn't forget that. It was just breathtaking, was this a dream?
To make sure I pinch myself and lightly moaned, definitely not.

I placed my bags down next to the door and ran to the bathroom, it was it was so white it was so difficult to look through, as if this is what you'd call heaven. I immediately ran myself a bath and climbed in, I layed there for about 10 minutes just thinking about everything, how my life would be different I was was treated like a proper daughter, that my parents were proud of me, that I went to school, that I had friends.. I closed my eyes and allowed the water to soak into my skin.

I opened my eyes once again and realised that I was outside, I don't recall coming out of the bath and I have no idea how I managed to get up here. I looked around for any exit routes but none were to be seen, what? What sort of building doesn't have an escape route to the roof? This was what worried me, how the hell did I get up here? I must be dreaming, I had to be. I punched myself just to make sure. *pinch* OUCH! That hurt, very realistic pain for a dream, come on this isn't real. *Pinch, Pinch, Pinch* OW! Okay that defiantly hurt, maybe this isn't a dream after all, but how did I get up here, I most certainly didn't fly up, it doesn't exist. Unless that one time at the park.... no, that was just a freaky coincidence, I must be hallucinating.

I had to get out of here, I was meant to be meeting my friend again for the first time in 15 years. How do I get down? I searched again for any hidden escapes just to make sure, nothing. "UGH!" I screamed as loud as I could. I clenched my fist and hit the ground in frustration, *crack* what was that? I knew I didn't have a massive amount of strength but to create a crack in a cement roof, that just made me even more confused. I didn't want to risk falling God knows how many floors so I decided to just lay down and wait.

Minutes then hours went past, it was no use, no one noticed that I was gone. How the hell am I supposed to get out of here? Now I really wished I was able to fly. I stood up and started walking towards the edge of the roof and lifted my arms to the side. It was no Use I was never going to get out of here, my life was awful, so I thought if I was to jump off, I wouldn't have to deal with any pain or fear. I took a deep breath and leaned forward, the icy wind smacked me in the face as I was falling, I saw the ground getting closer and closer, this was it, this was the end for me. Suddenly a pair of arms grabbed me and lifted me high up into the air. "Are you trying to kill yourself?!?" A hearse voice exclaimed. I recognised that voice, but more importantly am I flying? I opened my eyes and saw that the ground was no longer to be seen but that we were in the clouds still climbing higher and higher. "Who is this?!" I screamed as all I could hear was the wind blowing into my ears.

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