Chapter2: Where am I?

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I started panicing, unsure what to do. I felt uncomfortable with all these tubes it was starting to hurt me. I then started whimpering which is an old habit of mine whenever i got scared or nervous and right now I was feeling both of them. I couldn't move, as if I was paralysed, but I wasn't which made me sigh in relief.

I then felt excruciating pain from the side of me causing me to scream in pain, crying too. I felt a bit bad that I woke the policeman in alarm from the screams I'm causing, but as I didn't know him or what he wanted with me, I just simply didn't care. I was in pain and I was willing to let it all out, no matter how loud I was. The pain was just unbearable to deal with.

As the stranger came towards me i noticed that he was tall and muscley, he had short blonde hair and his uniform suited him too, I never met this man before but he certainly looked familiar, I just can't make it out who. As he got closer he gave me a friendly smile which made me smile back. He seemed nice I thought.

I looked up and all i saw was his eyes peering down upon me, he had a green glow to his eyes with a yellow outline. It was almost exactly like mine except mine was a bit darker than his.

He then took his cap off and introduced himself to me, his name was Dylan Davies and thats all I basically heard since I was admiring him for staying here with me even though we never met. I was grateful, I had no one and he was here.

Better than nothing, i thought. Dylan noticed I was dozing off and nudged me gently so that I wasn't going to be in pain. He had explained how I came here and answered most of my questions that was piling up in my head, even though I still wasn't able to speak from the screams of that dreadful night and from 5 minutes ago.

I discovered that my screams were loud, so loud that my neighbours down the road could here me and thats why I was brought here by an ambulance and with a police. Also my parents will be facing life sentences in prison for abusing me since I was little. I also discovered, which shocked me the most was, that I have an older brother. I was never told this, no one ever mentioned it, no evidence he ever existed nothing. It was a likely chance that he was murdered by our parents, or that he ran away with everything he ever had.

I had some distant memories of me being young, very young, I was with a boy most of the time we were close. We were best friends, we did everything together, oh I would do anything to get that back. To have my only best friend back, here with me, helping me through my problems. I miss him, I miss him a lot. I wish I could see him again, but that was never to happen.

As happy memories along with sad memories swirled around my mind, I was becoming increasenly tired. I still wasn't sure how long I was unconscious for, but I didn't want to know either. Dylan then realised I was fading into a deep sleep once again, suprisenly he had placed a gentle kiss apon my cheek, I wasn't sure how to react but I felt myself become hot and started to blush. I wasn't sure why I did but I never had that happen to me, it meant alot and I knew that I would be around this man alot more often.

I then closed my eyes slowly, smiling, I hope Dylan will still be here when I wake up I really do, he had been so nice to me, trying to communicate with me anyway he could, he was thoughtful and sweet. Hopefully when I next wake up I could have a proper conversation with him. I closed my eyes fully, filling my head with dreams and wonder, for the first time in my life I felt safe.

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