My Fake Boy Friend (Chapter 6: Headshot)

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  • Dedicated to Rochelle Ann Amatorio

This is based on a true story!! not to me but to a friend. hope you'd like it :)) --Love, stupidcupid


Chapter 6: Headshot

Immediately after I got home, I texted Richard. I told him about what just happened.

“hey. I had to tell Cheska about our secret. She got emotional but she won’t tell. She promised. I’m sorry.”

I held my phone tight. My hands got sweaty. I tapped my feet. What would Richard say? How would he react to that? He was taking forever to reply. I got nervous.

Then my phone vibrated. It was Richard.

“Ok.” Was all that he replied.

That’s it? I wasn’t sure if he was mad or not. I couldn’t read much in between “Ok”.

The next day, I went to my classroom and found Richard near the door.

“Sorry, I really am sorry.” I told him.

“Good morning.” He replied, smiling.

Didn’t he hear me?

“Sorry.” I repeated.

He grabbed my hand, pulled something from his pocket and wrapped it around my wrist. It was a purple bracelet. Then he smiled.

He must have a hearing disability. Tsk tsk.

“I just said sorry.” I told him.

“I heard you. I understand. Forget about it.” He said.

I smiled.

The bell rang and Richard had to go.

I settled in my seat and classes started. Our P.E. teacher came in the room, asking us to form a line outside. We all did as we were instructed and then went to the basketball court. While going there, I saw Richard’s class going to the volleyball court which is right beside the basketball court. When we reached the area, our teacher asked us to warm up. Then he told us to practice for a practical test next meeting. The boys immediately ran to dominate the court while the girls did nothing but watch and wait. So much for practice. Though my butt ached just by sitting there, I really enjoyed watching Leo. He is naturally talented at any sport, but he never considers being a varsity. He gives importance to his studies. I liked watching him play because he never disappoints. He can shoot from anywhere in the court.

After 20 minutes of playing, the boys took a break and the girls played. I played too. Cheska was back to her happy old self and became active during the game. She scored a lot! I had some modest shots too. I even saw Richard silently cheering for me as I attempted to make a shot. His cheer was effective because I scored! I smiled at him.

Then the boys started to return. I started walking away from the shooting area because I figured that they would use the court.

Suddenly, something hit my head. Was it raining sheep? That was a silly thing to say. I guess not but something really hit me. What could it be? I can’t figure out anymore. I got dizzy. I can’t even keep on standing even if I tried to. My knees were getting weak.

I finally fell down. It was because Theresa pushed me a little. I didn’t fight because I was too scrawny. She’s. So. Bad.

After that, I heard murmurs saying “Oh Leo! What did you do? Help her.”

I fell unconscious.

When I woke up, I was lying down the clinic. Cheska and Richard were there.

“Are you alright?” Richard asked in a worried tone.

“A little bit. I just feel dizzy.” I replied.

“Thank goodness.” He said.

“The nurse said that you don’t have any wounds or fractures.” Cheska told me.

“What really happened? I felt like an airplane landed on my head.” I said.

Richard stood up. He said that he would just get water.

“What’s wrong with him? Did I say something wrong?” I asked Cheska.

“Richard’s a bit mad…” she started saying. “…at Leo.” She continued.

“Why? What did Leo do?” I asked.

“This is what happened. Leo was shooting a ball when you decided to walk away and go to the bench. Unfortunately, you were exactly under the ring when the ball went in so you were hit. You fell unconscious.” She said.

“He’s blaming Leo for that? It was partly my fault.” I said, defensively.

“No. He blamed Leo because he didn’t bother to help. People told him to pick you up and to bring you to the clinic. Instead, he remained in his place with a smile. When Richard found out about your accident, he excused himself and ran to help you. He got irritated by Leo’s attitude and told him ‘What are you looking at? This is your fault. You should help! Do you expect Kristine to walk herself to the clinic?’ Leo looked pissed. Richard carried you away and brought you here.” Cheska told me.

Then, Richard came with a glass of water. Before I took a sip, I thanked him.

“Thank you for the water and for bringing me here.” I started saying. “But please don’t be mad at Leo. It was an accident. He didn’t mean harm.” I added.

Richard tried to smile.

Soon, Richard and Cheska both left for their classes. I stayed at the clinic until lunch. Richard was there as often as he could.

When I felt better, I returned to my classroom. Leo kept on saying sorry to me. Because of dizziness, I was annoyed by this and said ‘Ok. Ok!’, sounding supremely irritated.

After school, I met Richard by the school gate.

“Thanks for saving me.” I told him. “I am you girl friend anyway. It’d be bad for the pretend if you wouldn’t rescue me, right?” I said, jokingly.

Richard looked serious.

“Is that what you think of me? Do you really think that everything I do is for the pretend?” he said.

That hit me like a dagger.

“No. I didn’t mean for it to sound that way.” I said, regretting saying a joke that isn’t even funny.

“Kristine, believe me. Not all the things I do are for the pretend. I also do things for you.” He said, sounding very disappointed and sincere.

I knew that. I was just joking. I am so bad.

Richard walked away.

I wanted to shout. I wanted to call him back. Yet, I froze amidst tons of people. I was so confused.

When I got home, I didn’t greet anyone. I didn’t smile. I just went up to my room. Though I heard my dad say ‘Ooh. Love problems.’ I didn’t mind. I am so not myself.

I was so bothered by Richard. This is my first time to actually hurt the feelings of a guy. I texted Richard to say sorry but he didn’t reply. I got sadder. I really didn’t mean what I said. Deep inside, I knew that it wasn’t because of the pretend that he helped me. It was because I was his friend. Tomorrow, I’d make it up to him. I texted him again. He didn’t reply.

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