My Fake BoyFriend (Chapter 18: On The Death Bed)

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dedicated to tugsdear since she was the one who insisted for this outcome. haha

hey. long time no upload! sorry. but here's a rough draft of chapter 18. might edit it later. Enjoy! --love, stupidcupid


   Everything was so plain and dark.

 I just walked and walked.

I didn’t remember where I came from or where I was going.

I just walked.

Suddenly, I saw the light.

It struck my eyes, making me close it for a second. But after I opened it up again, I was fascinated by the different colors it possessed.

I moved forward and the light touched me. I felt the warmth of the rays that were carefully caressing my skin.

I stepped further.

Everything that I saw was just miraculous. Everything beautiful was there. It was paradise.

For one moment, I would’ve given everything up just to be there.

But I took no more steps forward.

There was something wrong about living there. It feels like I had to go back somewhere. It’s like I should be with someone right now. I can’t just go.

Tears fell down my eyes.

I screamed and screamed.

I collapsed on the ground and held my head.

Why can’t I remember anything? Where am I? Who am I?

Then somebody tapped my shoulder.

I looked up.

It was a little boy who just smiled at me.

I looked at his face and I suddenly longed to talk to him. Maybe he was the answer to all my questions.

But he turned his back on me and walked away.

I stretched out my hand and tried to reach out to him.

I missed.

I stood up and followed the mysterious boy.

We were walking in the dark for hours but I didn’t feel tired.

The boy finally stopped when we reached a playground.

“Play with me?” he asked.

Before I moved, I looked around the place. I was so familiar.

I scanned the surroundings once more.

Of course it was! I remember now! I do.

It was a day like any other.

My dad was meeting up with his client for an expedition in Egypt. My mom had to come with him. I can’t be left at home so I came with them.

We were about to enter the house of Mr. Siababa when I saw a play ground near by.

It was this playground where I stand right now.

I asked my parents if I could stay here for a while. They took it as a perfect opportunity to get rid of me while they had a meeting.

I ran happily towards the playground.

I saw many kids playing by the sand castle and by the monkey bars.

I was about to join them.

But I didn’t.

I saw a boy who was alone. This boy right now.

He looked so lonely and down. He surely needs a friend right now.

I smiled at him and asked him to play with me.

He smiled back.

And with that, we played and played to our hearts content.

We also got to talk a little.

“Cakes are a tough business in our family…. But carrot cake always works!” I said.

I also remembered saying “I hate it when people call me by my second name…”

Yet that magical moment ended with one word.

“Lauren!” my parents called.

And I had to go.

That was a memory from my past.

Another memory flashed in front of me.

I was beside Richard at their place.

We sat by the fountain.

He was telling me a story about the girl that he loved.

Suddenly, things made sense!

I know who the boy was! It was… it was…


It couldn’t be…

How could I have been so insensitive?

Richard was referring to me!

He loved me from the very start! He never pretended.

I am so stupid!

Why didn’t he tell me?

I have to see him again!

I want to tell him…

I need to tell him…

…that I love him too.

I was distracted with my thoughts when the little Richard pulled my hand.

“Please stay and play with me.” He said.

I kneeled and leaned a little closer to his face.

“I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to see the bigger you and to tell him that I love him. We’ll see each other soon.” I said, smiling.

I waved goodbye and walked away.

But I didn’t know where to go or where I was headed.

I’m going back.

I now that it’ll be hard since I know that I’d have to bring myself back to life just to tell Richard three simple words. But I will. Whatever it takes to get out of here I’d do. 

Who would ever want to stay in such a beautiful place if it means that you’d have to forget everything you’ve ever been? I’d live through this. I will.

I still need some time to straighten things out and to fix my life. Please, let me do those things.

I still need a minute to tell Richard my true feelings that I’ve managed to cover up through Leo and a lifetime to love him.

I still need to tell my parents how much I love them.

I still need to thank Cheska for being my best friend and to add Theresa to that list.

I still need to write the best story of how I lived as Kristine Lauren Blair.

I can't die just yet. That would be a bad ending.

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