My Fake BoyFriend (chapter 7: Richard-less)

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This is dedicated to my first fan here in wattpad!! BlackSwan15 :DD

This is the shortest chapter of the story. I think. This is a consolation for publishing Chapter 5 after 2 weeks. haha, I'm getting excited with typing. enjoy :D BTW, Happy Valentines! (reminds me of Chapter 10, opps!) --Love, stupidcupid


Chapter 7: Richard-less

Richard’s gone. He’s really gone. He never even said goodbye. He didn’t tell me about this nor did he reply last night. I feel guilty. Does he really hate me that much that he couldn’t stand to see me for another day?

I sat on my seat, thinking about the situation.


“May I excuse Kristine from class?” A familiar voice said, speaking to my teacher.

“Yes, ma’am.” my teacher said.

My teacher told me to go out.

I saw Mrs. Albright at the door. I smiled at her but she frowned back. At that moment, I knew that something was wrong. Why do I have a feeling that this is could explain why Richard wasn’t at the front door this morning?

“I think that it is just right to tell you why Richard’s gone.” Mrs. Albright said.

Wait. Richard’s gone?

“He’s in Australia.” She added.

Australia? Why would he be in Australia?

I didn’t speak up but I think my mouth was open. Mrs. Albright continued.

“It was urgent. His father got very sick and he had to take care of him. His flight left last night. I would follow him today.”

Tears started to blur my vision.

“Ahh—I—I— Is he—How come--“ I mumbled. I didn’t know what to say!

“May I ask for a favor?” Richard’s mom told me.

I nodded.

“I know that a long distance relationship is hard but please wait for my son.” She said.

I forced a smile.

“Thank you.” She told me and left.

I walked back to the classroom. As I went in, I touched the front door. Richard wasn’t there. I know that he’s gone. I just couldn’t believe it. There was no goodbye-nothing!

I sat on my chair, pretending to listen to the algorithms that my teacher was discussing.


I grabbed a notebook from my bag and doodled.

Richard. Richard. Smiley. Australia. Gone. Sad Face. I wrote in different fancy font styles.

I am crazy!

Yesterday, I told myself that I would make it up to him. How could I do that now that he’s so far?

After classes, I texted Richard.

“goodbye L” it said.


Richard was gone for so long. Hours turned to days. Days turned to week. And for a span of two weeks, I just felt so alone. Cheska was always there but I still feel awful. It’s like a part of my… my heart was ripped apart. I’m not even sure if Richard and I are still friends. I’m not sure if I’m still his fake girlfriend. I’m not sure of anything! For the first time since I met Leo, I didn’t bother to think of him for a long time.


I let myself fall on my bed. I covered my face with my pillow. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Then I dreamed.

“Richard? Richard?” I said.

I walked continuously in the dark. The cold breeze brushed on my arms.

Then I saw a figure standing in front of me. It was Richard. He looked sad.

I got mad. How dare he be sad? I was the one that he left! I rushed to slap him but he vanished.

The next thing I saw were ruins of some kind of vehicle. Flames were everywhere. I suddenly remembered Richard.

“Richard! Richard!” I screamed, frantically searching for him.

I felt that my face was wet with tears.

I woke up, screaming Richard’s name once more.

“It’s just a dream.” I told myself.

“…just a dream.” I repeated.

O_o haha. cliff hanger? the next chapter's title: "Feels like a breakup"

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