My Fake BoyFriend (chapter 8: Feels like a break-up)

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eerr... school makes my head go wild. and i'd be on a contest tomorrow. well, i hope this chapter would make you feel better like how i want to be.. sorry late upload. amdv14 has been forcing me to write archenemies for a while. haha, anyway, enjoy! --Love, stupidcupid

P.S. dedicated to my 2nd fan!!! :DD


A few weeks later, Richard came back.

I felt so happy! He’s finally here again. I could make up to him. We could fix things.

When I found out about the news, I ran to his classroom. He wasn’t there.

I searched for him in the canteen but he wasn’t there too.

I tried the principal’s office and even the kid’s playground. No sign of him.

The warning bell rang and I had to go back to my classroom.

Then I remembered that I haven’t even placed my bag there. I got too preoccupied in searching for Richard.

As I neared my classroom, I saw a familiar figure.


I started walking faster.

It’s him! Richard!

I grinned.

“Richard! How are you? I missed you. I’m so—“ I said until he cut me off.

“Who are you?” he asked while staring at me in a weird way.

What is happening here?

“I’m Kristine! I’m your gir—“ I told him until Theresa suddenly came.

Why can’t I finish my sentences?

Theresa then hugged Richard so tight.  Richard kissed her on the cheek.

Ouch. That hurt.

Afterwards, Richard acknowledged my presence and said “Oh. NICE TO MEET YOU. This is Theresa, my GIRLFRIEND.”

I was like “What?”

I noticed Theresa smirking at my defeat.

I ran to the classroom and tried not to cry.

I shouldn’t cry anyway. I was never Richard’s real girlfriend. He just used me to be with someone that he really likes. That girl might really be Theresa from the start. It makes sense. The way he looked at her when she was flirting with the ice cream man was different. But still! I thought we were friends at least. He shouldn’t just treat me like I never even existed in his life. Maybe he was still mad at me about last time. This is really bad and painful. He’s removed me from his life and I should do the same.  Besides, I didn’t like like him. I like Leo! I’ll focus on him. That was my original plan. Yes, that’s it.

I turned to look at Leo. He was wearing his dark red jacket again. Yet, he didn’t look that charming. What is wrong with me? He always looks spectacular in his dark red jacket! Why should today be any different?

During break time, Cheska and I bought ice cream.

She asked me about Richard.

“Did he really forget you?”

I didn’t answer.

I want to forget about him. Who’s Richard? I don’t know him. You know why? Because the Richard I know is my friend. He won’t kiss up the girl that I hate in front of my face. He won’t forget me. Now, that Richard’s gone. That’s why I don’t know him.

I went on eating my ice cream.

“I’m sorry. If you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t ask any more.” Cheska told me.

She is the greatest best friend ever!

The bell rang and we rang to our classroom.

Suddenly, I hit Leo. I felt embarrassed. He smiled.

“Sorry.” I said.

He just kept on smiling.

Then he grabbed something from his pocket. It was his dark blue handkerchief. He held it high and wiped something from my lips. I was shocked but I admit that I was enjoying the moment.

He was so gentle, just like Richard was before.


Why do I have to think of that? I don’t care if it was just like Richard! Why should I? Leo is the one that’s important. He’s the one that’s caring for me now though this feels really embarrassing.

The next day, Richard was near the front door, flirting with Theresa. I didn’t mind it at all. I even passed by in going into my class. I caught a glimpse of Theresa in disbelief.

 I went to my seat and looked for Cheska. No sign of her. She was usually early so I figured that she was absent.

Soon, classes started.

During math time, our class was divided into pairs for an exercise work. I wanted to be Cheska’s partner when she comes back so I let every other person be taken. I sat quietly on my seat. Out of nowhere, Leo came and asked me if I wanted to be his partner. Of course I said yes. What kind of idiot wouldn’t? Our teacher then gave us the exercise booklet that we would work on. We started answering stuff but we lacked time.  Leo and I decided to finish it during break time. We also continued it after classes. We would solve individually but compare the answers afterwards. I was a bit shy in asking Leo about the problems that I couldn’t understand but his warm personality helps me open up a lot easier.

After answering ten questions, we had another not-school-related chat.

“Can I ask you something?” he said.

“Sure.” I replied.

“Is Richard still your boyfriend? I heard that he introduced Theresa as his girlfriend.” he asked.

Great, that thing again.

“He’s not.” I replied.

I faked a laugh and changed the topic.

I wanted to tell Leo the truth since I assume that everything is over but it would be against common courtesy. After all that Richard did, I feel that he deserves keeping whatever happened a secret.

We continued answering.

After half an hour, we finished all our tasks and then parted ways.

I stayed for thirty minutes more. I just wandered around the school.

In no time, I reached the sidewalk where Richard and I formally met. This was the place where he asked me to be his fake girlfriend. This is where it all began. If this sidewalk never existed, I wouldn’t hurt like this.

Tsk tsk. I’ve really lost it. Why am I blaming the sidewalk?

It’s so bad of him to do what he did ho me! I just feel so mad at him.

But still, I miss him. So much.

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