🎀Prom Night🎀

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Requested by TheMusicFr3ak

( the only other ship i added was Milliot because i dont wanna get attacked because i do not ship Jailey '-' )

Type: Fluff 💝

Zanders POV 💜:

Hailey walked out of my closet and held up an orange wristband, "Look what i found!~" i turned red, "i-is that the friendship braclet Luke made me when we were like 9??" i ran up and grabbed it from her, "Mhm!" she grinned "or should we call it now, the boyfriend braclet~" i slapped her left cheek, "OWWWWWWWW" she whined while rubbing her cheek

I got a text from my phone, i beamed at the message, it was Luke,

( L: Luke and Z: Zander obviously-)

                       My Puppy 🧡🔗

L: Hey Zander!, Should i pick you up?

                                Z: Oh no no. its okay
                                     my mom said she will
                                       drop me off infront!

L: Okay, see you there, Love you ❤️

Lukes POV 🧡:

I Smiled to myself

                           My Kitty 💜🔗

L: Okay, see you there, Love you ❤️

                                Z: Love you too Dummy

L: 😊❤️❤️

                                     Z: 🙄❤️❤️

"Luke?" i looked up from my phone to see my mom get in the drivers seat, "you sure you want your mom to drive you?" she chuckled starting up the car, i smiled at her warmly "its fine, i could always just walk to the school, i dont want you to be late to work or anything" ( my headcanon is that Luke has a single Mom who works very late at night and mostly isnt home )

She gave me the same smile i always gave her, "how did i get so lucky with such a sweet boy" she reached down to get something from her purse but saw my flowers instead, "Wait Mom dont-" she pulled out the bouque of light lavender flowers and glared at me, "so you DO have a date" i looked down in embarrasment, "Whos the lucky girl?~" she said keeping her eyes on the road as she continued to drive, i suddenly had a sick feeling in my stomach as i tried to avoid the question, after sge asked one last time i knew i had to tell her

"It's, umm, Mom, m-my date is Zander." I immediately wanted to stuff those words back into my mouth, she stayed silent and then suddenly stoped the car, she glanced over at me, "Zander? Is that your best friend Zander?" I nodded, "well.." she started "then Zander is a very lucky boy" we both smiled warmly at each other


My mom dropped me off infront of the building while tossing me the bouque and a teddy bear as well i got him, a couple minutes of me waiting past untill i heard a joyful "Luke!!" i whipped my head to see Zander hoping out of his car as the car drove away, he looked gorgeous.

( yes i believe males can still be called gorgeous and beatiful ^-^ )

Zanders POV 💜:

I ran up to Luke with the red rose i got him behind my back, we both didnt really know how this date thing worked so we just stood akwardly infront of one another, "oh here! This is for y-you" he handed me a bouque of lavender roses. I felt my face turn red, i looked back at my single rose in disapointment

( A/N: hey look me and that rose have something in common, were both single, HAHAHAhaha...ha **Sobs** )

He put one of the lavender roses in my hair, "i-its not as good as yours b-but i also got you umm, this" i held out the rose infront of him, he gasped while taking it out of my hand, "i-i know its not as good as yours but if you do-" i was intruppted by his warm lips on mine, he pulled away while putting the rose in his hair to match the one in mine, "I love it thank you" he said softly


Lukes POV 🧡:

I was at the punch bowl getting a cup for me and my boyfriend when i heard a faint "Luke!" i looked up to see Elliot walking towards me with Milly clinging on his arm, she was holding what looked like three boques of flowers with one in her hair,i chuckled, "wow Milly, i thought you werent into the "Dumb plant stuff"" she punched my arm, "S-Shut up! And plus Elliot grew these for me himself s-so it would b-be rude if i didnt accept them." Zander walked over abd clinged onto the arm Milly had punched "Excuse me Millicent brooks please dont punch my boyfriends arm, only i can touch him." i playfully rolled my eyes. Elliot looked up at the ceiling as the lights of the room changed colors, his eyes then gazed on Milly, "H-Hey Milly, do you wanna dance?" Milly blushed as she hesitantly took Elliots hand. We watched as they ran towards the dance floor, i looked at Zander, "Hey um do you-" he grabbed my hand before i could even finish.

After the dance because im ✨Lazy✨

I offered to walk Zander home, he agreeded and we started walking thourgh the sidewalks. We walked in an akward but yet comfortable silence untill i started a coverstation.

Zanders POV 💜:

Me and Luke were talking untill i started to shiver, it wasnt cold but the weather certinally wasnt warm, Luke noticed my shivering, "Are you cold?" i nodded, he took off his jacket and placed it over my shoulders with him only wearing his white collor shirt and his tie, i felt my face turn red and looked away, "Oh!" he suddenly took the boque i was holding from earlier and looped the flowers with each other, a couple minutes later i felt him place something on my head, it was a flower crown he just made, it flopped on the side of my head, "Sorry its not the best, im not really good at making-" i hugged him and buried my head in his chest, "its the best flower crown ive ever worn, thank you" i looked up and kissed his cheek.

A/N: SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG FOR ME TO FINISH THIS AHA I FEEL TERRIBLE, I had a long week of assignments followed by a 42 questioned math test so sorry i havent been active, anyways tysm for 400+ reads like oml i never expected this to get so many reads! Anyways i have also been inactive because i havent had many ideas, so if you have any requests please let me know in my request tab thingy, also its perfectly okay to request multiple times! Oki baii!

1104 words

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