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Type: Fluff

♡ ♡ ♡

Luke gently opened the pianist door to see his whole body, including the top of his head, wrapped in blankets accompanied by a box of tissues

"Hi." Luke whispered. Zander opened his eyes and sat up

"Hey Luke" He spoke, his voice low and raspy

"Hailey told me you weren't feeling good."

Beginning to make his way towards the bed.

Zander shook his head at Luke

"D-Don't come near, you will catch my cold."

"I don't care. It will be worth it anyway.." he smiled leaning his head down and kissing his forehead

Zander replied by wrapping his arms around him causing Luke to crash on the bed.

"Sorry you have to miss school because of me." 

He shifted so that he was in Luke's embrace

"It's okay"

Tucking some hair behind his lovers ear he whispered

"I had a chemistry test I forgot to study for anyways"

Zander weakly smiled and nuzzled his face in his chest

They stayed like that for a while accompanied by the pianist occasionally sniffles and coughs

He brought his sleeve to his face using his wrist to wipe his nose

Luke pulled his arm away and handed him a tissue whispering softly

"Don't do that baby it will make it worse.."

Zander took a minute to admire him then grabbed the tissue nodding

Zander let out a yawn and fixed himself so that he had his chin on Lukes shoulder blade.


"Mhm" he responded to lazy to speak

"I-I'm..uh..hungry" his face flushed red

Luke blinked down at him before smiling

"Okay, what would you like?"

He sat up carefully putting Zander on his back kissing his forehead

"U-Um, I think theirs soup in the cabinet."

The brunette tucked his lover in pulling the blankets up pass his shoulders a little

"Ok, I'll be right back, try and get some rest ok?"

Zander nodded watching Luke exit the door, hearing his foot steps go down his stairs

He stuffed his face in the pillow groaning as he already missed Luke

Glaring at the tv he attempted to grab the remote, he managed to pick it up

However the sweat on his hands made the remote slippery and fall out of his hands

He went back to laying on his pillow starting to drift off to sleep.


Luke peeked through the door holding a tray to see his sleeping boyfriend

His chest rising with every breath he took

Smiling, he placed the tray on the nightstand as well as a kiss on Zander's forehead, slightly shaking him to wake him up

"Darling~ wake up"

He groaned shifting to his side rubbing his head

"Hm? Do you have a headache?"

He nodded rubbing his forehead and shutting his eyes tightly

Luke placed two fingers on his temple slightly applying pressure to it and rubbed the area slowly

A feeling of relief filling Zander's body as he focused on the gentle touch

He sat down completely forgetting the meal he had prepared for him

"Wanna eat now?"

His gentle whisper making Zander's inside tremble with joy he sat up

Taking the tray in his lap he struggled picking up the spoon

Realizing Luke sat next to him

"Uh, d-do you need help? Like, d-do you want me to feed uh, you?.."

Zander shook his head

"I'm fine! Don't worryYYY-"

Luke caught the bowl before it could fall and returned it back to where it was on his lap.

"I guess you feeding me WOULD be helpful.."

The brunette gave him a genuine smile and picked up the spoon

One or two bites in they were both having trouble containing their laughter

It go to the point where Zander almost spit out the soup from laughing hysterically.

After they finished Luke took his empty dishes

"I'll be right back ok?"

Time skip to 15 minutes~

The butterscotch eyed boy entered the room to see his lover struggling to turn on the tv with the remote

Once he noticed Luke had entered he groaned

"What happened to "I'll be right back"?"

Before responding he chuckled nervously and sat on the end of his bed grabbing the remote and helping him out

"Well, I wanted to do the dishes for you guys!"

Zander pouted

"Sometimes I regret dating such a positive wholesome adorable man like you Luke.."

He sighed as Luke put on his favorite movie

After he sat down next to Zander he felt something tug on his arm


"I want to cuddle. Give me cuddles right now."

Luke tucked some hair behind his ear

Zander rolled his eyes correcting his previous statement

"PLEASE give me cuddles"

Sighing he pulled him closer stuffing his face in his hair

Zander smiled rolling on top of Luke resting on his chest hearing his steady heart beat

It was so comforting, the way his breaths matched with every beat. He closed his eyes feeling the blanket get pulled up to his waist a little past his shoulders

"I love you."

He sighed taking in the warmth he felt

"I love you more" the brunette muttered

Zander smiled weakly as he realized how tight Luke's hold on him was

"Your gonna get sooo sick.."

Luke giggled stuffing his face in his hair

"Well then looks like you'll have to take care of me when I do"

The ombré haired male huffed blowing his bangs out of his face

"Fine dummy."

A minute or two past by before he corrected his statement tightly holding Luke

"MY dummy."

♡ ♡ ♡

926 words!

Tysm for reading!!

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