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Type: Angst💔


Lukes POV 🧡:

I look down giggleing at my phone,

                        My Kitty 💜🔗

L: Hii! How was school kitty?
                                Z: The usual,also stop      
                                     calling me "Kitty"

L: Then stop calling me "Puppy"
                                     Z: .....Kittys cool

"Luke? Your awfully giggly today" i whipped my head up from my phone to look at my parents across the dining table.

( ik i said my hc was that Luke has a single mom but for this story he will have a mother and a father )

"Heh sorry, im just, texting someone.." my mom scooted her chair closer to me, "yknow...you have been pretty giggley these past few months, did something happen?" i hid my phone in my pocket, "o-oh um-" my dad snickered "What, my boy has finally grown into a man and got himself a girl eh?~" my mom gasped and grinned turning to me, my eyes widened, "U-um well, NO NO THATS NOT IT, u-um, i dont have a, partner.." my mom rolled her eyes, "Baby it's okay to be embarrassed! I'm sure she's a lovely-" "SHES A HE" I blurted out, my eyes went wide as I looked down trying to avoid my parents eye contact, i heard my dad get up from his chair with my mom silently saying "Honey dont-"



I stayed silent wanting to let out the biggest sob ever, "Z-Zander, h-hes my boyfriend, ive had a crush on him for 12
y-years" (i think its 12 correct me if im wrong-) My dad chuckled "Of course its that stupid freak who turned you gay-" ( SIR HE IS PAN-) "HE IS NOT A STUPID FREAK!" I shot back at him, my mom stayed silently looking like she was about to cry. My dad stepped back and only said two words...



So here i am, 7pm, luggage in hand, rain pattering on the streets soaking my hair while i go thourgh my phone contacts trying not to cry. I finally find the contact i was looking for, " My Kitty 💜🔗"  AKA Zander, I put the phone up to my ear and it started to ring, "Hello?" hearing his voice gave me comfort, "H-hi, um, are your parents home?" I tried to sound calm because i didnt wanna worry him, "No, Hailey is spending the weekend with some friends and my parents are out of town, so im all alone" i sighed in relief that he was home, "U-um, do you think maybe, i coukd stay at your place for a bit.." even if i couldnt see him i can tell he had a confused look, "oh yeah sure, what for exactly?" "I-ill explain once i get their." i hung up the phone and started making my way to Zanders house, i started getting memories of what had just happened, the word, "Freak" implatened in my head until I couldn't take it anymore, I started sobbing and quickened my speed to Zanders house.


I knocked on Zander's door which immediately opened to him in his iconic cat socks and an oversized T-shirt with shorts, "Okay why first off how dare you hang up on-" he looked up at me and his eyes widened, "OH LUKE I-LUKE WHAT HAPPENED?" He brought me in his house  as I looked down trying to avoid him from seeing my tears, "Luke why are you.." he lifted my chin up. "I-I" was all I could say before I sobbed into his shoulder, "Shhhhh" he stroked my hair and hugged me back, "M-my, d-dad..knows.." i sniffled, he broke the hug looking me in the eyes,"L-Luke thats terrible i-" "its okay you dont need yo apolgize fir anything its not your fault.." Zander wiped my tears, "i knew he was harsh but i never thought he would kick you out" i looked down, "i also yelled at him" "about what?" i looked at him, "he called you things that made me angry-" he widened his eyes, "Luke you shouldnt have done that, im not worth fighting for-" i grabbed the back of his head pulling him not into a hug but into a soft kiss, not so long after he melted in the kiss, when we split apart i put his head on my shoulder, "Zander why would you think that? Of course your worth fighting for, i'd go thourgh hell and back for you", i felt Zander mutter something, "What was that?" "i said, thank you Lukey" he whispered in my ear.


It was 10 ish and i couldnt sleep, i was just playing with Zanders hair while he slept peacefully on my chest, i told him i would go to sleep but who would be able to after that fight i just had with my own parents, and plus stating up is worth it to hear Zanders cute snores- **RING** i was intruppted by my thoughts by my phone ringing, i picked up my phone and read the caller id, "Mom" i answered, "H-hello" "Luke you picked up!" She said relived, "uh huh.." she stayed silent until starting a conversation, "So, are you okay? Where are you staying?" I didn't feel like responding, "Umm, Zanders house..he's sleeping so I can't be loud" she chuckled, "is he doing alright?" I smiled warmly to myself.

A/N: Wassup guess what it's feb 27th which is also my bday 😎, pogchamp-, COUGH COUGH ANYWAY SORRY FOR BRING INACTIVE UMM TAKE THIS BC MORE ANGST YAYYYYY 😻, K bye peeps

940 words

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