
844 14 36

( super short </3 )

♡ ♡ ♡

The 8 year old brought his knees to his chest resting his back on his closed door

He glanced at the clock, 10pm.

Most children should be asleep by then, but who'd be able to sleep whe-

* shatter *

A loud shatter could be heard from downstairs, this action made the boy jump



The yelling got louder making the ombré haired boy cover his ears, he quietly whispered begging them to stop


"7/10, ending was pretty trash" Zander snickered earning a laugh from the brunette next to him

"Pfft, you're the one who requested to watch my terrible taste in movies"

He rolled his eyes

"Well, since you just lOvE these types of movies, it wouldn't HURT to watch the sequel"

Luke smiled handing his sarcastic lover the empty bowl

"How about you pop more popcorn? Pleassse"

Zander scoffed sitting up, taking the bowl with him

"Thank youuuuu"

He smiled

"Whatever dummy."

Zander placed a bag of kernels in the microwave

As he pressed the buttons he heard the satisfying "beep"

He carelessly stepped back attempting to get away from the electronic, how ever he lost his balance

Falling backwards he caught himself on the rim of the table

Before he could collect his thoughts of what just happened he heard a noise that made his heart drop.

* Shatter *

He quickly turned around

( A/N: oH nO, oUr VaSe!! ItS bRoKeN- )

No, no no no no no, nonononononononono

Bringing his hand to his face as he bit his nail memories flooded his brain

"Zander? You ok?"

Panicked he moved his hand away seeing Luke enter the room

"What was tha-"

He looked down at the broken object

Blah blah blah mumble mumble he hates you he's never gonna want you in his house again blah blah blah get ready he's gonna hit you he hates you he's mad at you blah bla-

"I-It was an accident I promise!!!"

Luke looked at him

"Oh, I'll get the broom, be careful where you step!"

Zander, cautiously, stepped away towards the pieces

The brunette came back holding a broom and a dust pan, carefully he swept them away, later discarding then in a waste bin.

"Oh well, let's go! I think the popcorns ready"

Surprised he stared as Luke put the popcorn in a bowl

"You're, not like, I don't know, angry?.."

"Angel. It was a 25 dollar vase my mum got at a thrift store three years ago. No I'm not angry."

Relived Zander accepted Luke's hand

"I love y'know"

He mumbled trying to make his statement go without notice.

"I love you too! Now stop being a weirdo and let's go!!!"


The tall brunette women sighed walking in the door while holding her heels

"What a day,"

She was about to throw away her trash when she noticed her vase in the bin

"Damn teenagers.."

♡ ♡ ♡

503 words <3

I'm gonna be real with y'all it's 2am and I have school tomorrow and I'm like sooo out of it. I tried to keep this chapter real but I just KNOW some people are gonna think I'm high while I'm writing this and honestly I'd think that too.

Anyways have a good night/morning/evening/Ur mom

Stay safe <3

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