🎵Night Frights🎵

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Darkness. That was all the brunette saw in his horrific nightmare. Pure darkness

He began to run. He didn't know what he was running from but he ran and ran. Until he saw light.

Finally, he thought he had hope, quickening his paste towards the light, it began to shrink.

Panicked and afraid he didn't stop. Even when he was completely out of breath he kept running. 

And running, and running. As the light, or his little bit of hope, grew smaller causing the darkness to grow.

He felt something hit his foot as his eyes widened in horror.

Landing flat on his face he quickly got up but it had already been to late. It was gone. No light

Bringing his knees to his chest the drummer began rocking back and forth. Crying loud and hard.

He felt something cold touch his back. Slightly whimpering at the immediate touch. He felt it drag him. Into pure emptiness

Waking up with a gasp he jumped in his and his lovers bed panting. Recalling of his previous nightmare he got up and headed to the bathroom

Once the door shut he scurried through the drawers, crying as he did so

Until he found it. A small blade used for cutting hair.

Not skin

He brought it to his left shoulder and looked in the mirror. His butterscotch eyes filled with too much fear for someone so young.

Throwing the blade in the trash can he tugged his hair sliding down the wall sobbing

"...Luke?" Jumping he scooted away from the door. Barely recognizing his own name.

After ten seconds with no reply the voice spoke again. "I-I..hear you crying, I'm not going to bed until I know your ok" his voice was so gentle, barely a shout, giving Luke the comfort he needed.

"It's open.."

With a small "click" their he stood.

Zander. Dark purple messy hair with his PJs still on just like his other

Also known as that small light Luke was running for. Seeing it stand their before him was enough to make him completely break down again

Hiding his face in his knees he heard footsteps approaching him

"Luke, hey, look at me"

Shaking his head while his eyes shut tighter then he knew they could, he spoke again, this time his voice barely recognizable because of how calming and quiet it sounded

"Look at me"

Luke instantly looked up revealing his tears.

Two hands cupped his face using their thumbs to wipe away the tears, Zander's hands,

Letting out a shaky breath he hid his face in Zander's shoulder, bringing him onto his lap holding him tight

"Was it a stupid nightmare?"

He felt a nod on hod chest as the grip tightened

Zander ran his fingers through Luke's soft, fuzzy, brown hair

Giving the touch starved boy the caress he needed Luke couldn't help but purr at the gentle, soft touch.

"Your always protecting me.." his voice muffled as his face was stuffed in the soft hair

"But who's gonna protect you?..idiot.." Slightly regretted the last use of the word at the end he went back to rubbing Luke's back

"Um..I..b-be..can we..uh"

Giving his whole attention to him Zander encouraged him to continue

"Can we...go back to bed..I-it's already almost 2 a-and I don't want you to be tired because of me.."

Slightly nodding both males stood up approaching their bed. One standing on each side

Luke got underneath the comforter stuffing his face in the pillow getting into a fetal position as  his lover watched looking into his eyes

He stroked the side of his face and laid beside him.

Pulling Luke closer to him he began resuming playing with Luke's hair as he heard small purrs of satisfaction leave the boys mouth.

Ending it with a kiss Luke cuddled into Zander's shoulder starting to drift off to sleep

Rain started pattering against the window suddenly startling the sensitive boy in his arms.

Oh for fuck sakes..

Zander thought gripping Luke tighter

"Im okay..don't.......don't worry"

One yawn later and Luke was fast asleep

Zander slightly shifted so he wasn't on his back anymore since it was miking him slightly uncomfortable, considering it was usually the other way around.

As he began to fall asleep himself he thought how a guy so sweet, caring, spontaneous, gentle, perfect like Luke could like someone as selfish and dull as him

How he saw brightness and joy in him everyday.

Although Zander wasn't the best singer he quietly began singing himself to sleep..

Your the sun

You've never seen the night but you hear it's a song from the morning birds..

He stuffed his hair in his fluffy brown hair facing the window as rain droplets raced each other with occasional strikes of thunder. Gently closing his eyes before continuing

Well I'm not the moon

I'm not even a star

But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds

Don't wait for me.....I can't come

"It's your smile."

Eyes wide Zander looked down realizing Luke heard

"And your laugh. And your smartness. And your adorable face that I just want to...you get it.."

Wondering how anyone could say those things about him, Zander heard something clear their throat before continuing his previous singing

You're the one

You're all I ever wanted

I think I'll regret this..

They both eventually fell asleep. Even though they both were no good at singing. Being in each other's embrace was enough for both of them. And maybe that's all they needed.

941 words!

I'm really proud of how this turned out!! :D

Not to get my ego too high but I think this might be one of the best stories I've written so far.

Y'all might disagree idek

Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed!

( P.S: if you knew the song they were singing towards the end we are now friends I don't make the rules. )

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