
916 18 20

Type: angst, fluff

Happy Pride month you guys!!! :)

Luke's POV:

I sit anxiously waiting for the bell to ring,

It's the last day of school, finally, I have been waiting for the bell to ring in ELA all year but this time was different because it would be the last day in this crummy class I could never seem to understand

The final bell rang and fire alarms were pulled

Students began to run out the door as I saw poor Ms Jones run out of her classroom and try to stop students

I sigh and exit the room and head to my soon to be empty locker

I feel two arms wrap around me

I smiled


"Hey Zander"

"Hey, thank god this years over"

He hung his head down as I laughed

"Um, Zander?"

He hummed in response

"I've been, I was thinking, you know how tomorrow is the first day of pride month"

Zander blinked at him

"Y-, Yeah"

"Well I, I want to come out to my mom, tomorrow!"

Zander stared at him

"That's, that's great!" he grinned and hugged Luke

"Your not forcing yourself to right? Don't force yourself it's a big deal just come out when your read-"

"Zan, I know ok?? And trust me I wouldnt suggest it if I wasn't comfortable!"


"......" Zan"?"

Luke blushed

"Uh, sorry it just uh kinda slipped out"

"N-No no, I like it! It's cute"

Zander pecked his lips and walked away

"Let me know how your coming out went! Good luck darling!!"

*Time skip*

Luke took a deep breath and went down stairs where his nostrils were greeted by the scent of French toast, eggs, and waffles.

Even though Luke was an only child his mother always worked late nights an days and was barely home, so any time sh was given the opportunity, the weekends, to be home with her son, she always wanted to make him home cooked meals

"Hey hon, what's up?"

Luke pulled out a chair before getting himself comfortable

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