💒 After party 💒

805 14 17

Type: fluff, bit of angst

"Zander..?" The brunette knocked on the storage closet that held table cloths, extra utensils, and most importantly, the wedding cake.

The 13 year old slowly raised his head revealing his puffy eyes

"Hi.....Hi Luke.."

Luke took a seat next to him on the tiled floor, the small light on the ceiling not providing them much light

"You ok?..." He mumbled scooting closer

"Ye.....no. I'm not. And...and I don't know why."

Slowly, he brushed a lose stray of hair on Zander's right cheek, flicking the strand that remained on his finger on the floor.

"That's ok. You can just be sad, you don't NEED a reason"

At first Zander was glad to be in the dark since it was hiding his crimson red cheeks, but groaned and slid underneath the table that held the cake, moving the table cloth out of the way

Luke quickly copied his movement and did the same, he took a minute to notice all the pieces of gum stuck on the bottom of the table

"Hey, wanna play guess the fla-"

He turned on his side to see a singular tear rolling down Zander's cheek

He got up quickly, forgetting they were underneath a table, slamming his head letting out a quiet yelp

As he rubbed the top of his head he heard a groggy voice begin to talk

"I just, He's a nice guy but. Do you feel like she's, replacing......him?" The teens glossy eyes stared into Luke's as he continued

"I-I know he's a bad person but..."

He faced away from Luke getting into a fetal position

"H-He's.....still my Dad, yknow?.."

Quietly, the purple haired boy began to sob

The brunette was surprised to say the least, he barely, or never, heard or saw Zander show any signs of weakness or any emotion of sadness

He tried to say something comforting but only one thought occurred in his mind

"He looks so pretty when he cries.."

He shook his head swallowing the lump in his throat, he wanted to try something, desperately hoping Zander wouldn't hate him for this

Carefully, he pulled Zander off the ground and pulled him in an embrace so that his head was buried in his shoulder.

Their was a silence for a moment before Zander held him tighter then Luke knew he could and cried more then before

Idiot! You made it worse!!

He thought as he heard Zander sniffling into his white polo shirt, leaving tear marks

Before he could apologize Zander pulled away smiling as his face was red and his eyes were puffy

"Thank you. That...that really helped"

Luke blushed at the sweet tone and look Zander gave him before wiping the remains of his tears on his sleeves

"It's uh, I don't really- I mean. It's ok to, show your emotions or cry or scream or yknow anything like that, around me..."

Zander gave him a sincere smile

"Aw, your so sweet Luke heh"

The brunette was flabbergasted and a blushing mess

"Ok enough corny talk, we gonna move this or not?"

He gave Luke a hand up so that both boys were back on their feet


Luke grabbed one end of the table as Zander grabbed the other 

Carefully, the began wheeling the wedding cake towards the kitchen doors.

562 words <3

What's up baddies I'm back 😈😈😈 I think this one turned out pretty cringey but I'll let ygs be the judge of that. Pls submit request bc I'm running out of ideas I don't even care if you do multiple requests just pls I'm desperate for ideas. Anyways bye

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