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Type: Angst💔

Inspired by Strxwberry_Sugxr ( most of their one shots are a big inspiration for some of mine so please go check them out!!^ )

No ones POV:

"All these years and you would really think i would cheat? Zander cmon you know im better than this"

"Well clearly you werent just "Having Coffee", you were getting all flirty"

"So im not allowed to hang out with other people? Is that what your saying"



Zanders POV 💜:

I stopped yelling and stared at him, my eyes slowly widening, he put a hand over his mouth, its like i could see the guilt and regret in his eyes, "Z-Zander, i didnt-" i stormed out grabbing my car keys while slaming the door shut.

I got in my car and slammed the door, i felt my face being taken over with tears, i started up the car and started driveing around silently sobbing to myself, thoughts flooded my head.

"Your not good enough for him" "That girl is so much skinnier than you yknow," "He will probably leave you" i stopped at a red light, "....Stop...." I mumbled.

"He never loved you"

"I SAID STOP!!" I scream putting my hands over my ears, before I did so I heard loud  Screeching.


Luke's POV 🧡:

I watch Zanders car drive away, i immediately regretted what i said, i walked down our hallway and glanced at the photos me and Zander had hung on the wall,


"BABE! WAIT!" Luke grabbed Zanders wrist, Zander stopped in confusion, "Here! I won this for you," he handed the purple eyed boy a small teddy bear, Zander gasped as his face became a light shade of pink, "Sorry its not big but-". Zander intruppeted him with a soft kiss on the lips, once they pulled away there eyes locked as Zander softened his toned, "i love it, thank you lukey"

End of the flashback

I smiled warmly at the photo of me and Zander infront of the ferris wheel, with him holding the bear i won for him, i then looked at the photo next to it,


"L-Luke i-im scared." Zander griped his hand tighter on the younger boys shirt, "Hey its okay! Don't worry im sure he will be back," Zander continued to cry, "B-But w-what if D-Daddy won't come back ever a-again?" The thought made Zander wanting to cry even more, "Well, you will always have me!" the buttercup eyed boy stood up while helping his friend up, "Y-Y-Yeah" Zander stuttered while whipeing his tears, "Mhm! You will always be my best friend Zander!!" Zander gave his friend a warm conforting smile.

End of the flashback

I smiled at the photo once again but the memory suddenly hit me, "You always have me!" that sentence repeated in my head, i felt like an idiot, why were we even fighting in the first place, he had every right to be mad at me he was jealouse its normal- i got intruppted by my thoughts with a vibration coming from my pocket, i didnt reconize the number but hesitantly picked up, "H-hello?" i stuttered,

"Hi, is this Mr Peterson?"

"Umm, yes whos asking"

"Its about M- Zander."

"What about him?"

"Theres been an Accident"


I run up to the front counter of the hospital and quickly check in, i ran past many nurses and doctors and bumped into most of them because of how fast i was running, when i finally got their i saw Zander in the room surrounded by many doctors and nurses hovering over him as he lied their on the bed, "Mr Peterson?" i shoot my head back to see a nurse holding a multiple pieces of paper, he also noticed a man behind her filling out paperwork, "W-Whos that..." the lady hesitated to respone to my question, "U-Um, that is the man who hit Mr Wickham's Car-" I wide my eyes and look at his direction, my blood began to boil, "....you..." I walked up to him as I heard faint sounds of the nurse going, "S-Sir please don't-"


So here I am, multiple nurses holding me back as I scream at the man that I already have hit multiple times, I try to get out of the grasp as my face is being taken over with sobs and tears, the man was probably drunk which made me even more mad. "Uh, is anyone here for Mr.Wickham?" I stopped trying to break out of the grasp as the nurses let me go, I ran up to the doctor, "Y-Yes, I'm his boyfriend" "Well, the surgery went well! You can go see him-" i didnt even let them finish as i sprinted into the room, he was still sleeping, but i grabbed a chair and sat next to him recovering from my sobs.

| Timeskip to an hour later |

Zanders POV 💜:

I woke up to sounds of...beeping? I saw white and light blue figures around me but everything was mostly just a blur. "Zander! Your awake!!" i hear from the side of me, my vision began clering up as i saw Luke standing to my side, i sat up, "W-What happen-" i suddenly remembered the fight we had along with the voice in my head i heard earlier, "He dosent love you" i started tearing up remembering and wanting to take back all the nasty things i had said to him before. Luke noticed this and his eyes widened waving his hands, "H-Hey! Dont cry its okay im not mad!" he hugged me, i stuffed my face in his shoulder, "...Sorry.." i started, he broke our hug and cupped my cheek, "Baby i told you its oka-" "No its not okay! I called you horrible things, i should have more trust in you," he gave me a warm smile and kissed my cheek, "It's okay, and to be fair...the girl I was with actually did have a thing for me" i punched Luke's shoulder playfully, "Andddd you ruined the moment" I laughed trying to be serious. He looked at me, "Love you too Zandy~"

1042 words

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