The Hero

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Hero Au

Everyone has a complicated life but some were more than others. Janus didn't think he had a complicated life. He had gone to school, uni and gotten a job, fallen in love and was now starting his family.

His partner however had a more complicated life. Some people were born with super powers, while most people did not. Y/c was one of the few who had powers. He kept it a secret from everyone, only letting a few people who he trusted the most know his secret.

Janus and Y/c had met while they were in university, as they were in the same dorm secton. They all had their own rooms and bathrooms but shaired a kitchen with four other people.

They were friends for a few years before they started dating. They had moved into a house together. It was obvious to their friends that Janus and Y/c were ment to be together.

Y/c had met Janus' family, and Janus had met Y/cs' family. They frequently visited Y/cs family, as Janus' weren't the nicest people and often put him down and not like anything he did.

It had almost been seven years of them dating when Janus found out that they were going to have another member of their family, although the couple wasn't married they didn't feel like they needed to be married to know thag they would be together.

He told Y/c about the baby, and both of them were happy for the new arrival. Y/cs family and their friends helped out a lot with the nurcery, as they all wanted to be involved.

Janus still had no idea about his boyfriends powers nor did he know that the baby might inherit his powers.

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