The Hatter

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Gothum Au.

TW: Canibalism, Misscarage, Rape

Not all things turned out how they were supposed to. Some things turned out nowhere near how they were supposed to.

Janus Tetch, the son of Jervis Tetch (The Mad Hatter), a bi-product of his father trying to replace his dear sister Alice, who had been murdered due to Jim Gorden. He would have normally killed the women that he'd tried replacing Alice with but had not been able to that time, as she had escaped the building without Jervis nor his goons catching her. Janus had been left on the door step of his building with a note. When he had read the note and found out it was his son he imediatly tested the babys blood for his sisters blood disease.

As Janus had grown up with his blood being taken, he had gotten used to it and he didn't mind when it happened. His father had been using the blood to create the Tetch virus, which he was stock piling.

His father had been taking Janus out with him during crime spreese, to train him so that he could start doing tgings so that his father could be planning other things.

Janus had been sent on a mission by his father in new york. He had been sent out with one of his goons to try and track someone down and bring them back to Gothum for his father to do whatever he was going to do to them.

But Janus didn't make it back, nor did the goon that had been sent with him. He had been kidnapped by canibles, they had taken him hostage. His kidnappers didn't want to eat him, they used him like a maid, using him to cook their meals and clean their house. Although, they had found out that Janus could get pregnant, and they used that to their advantage to get the freshest meat that they could.

They had him for two and a half years. He had gotten pregant three times, the only reason wht he had gotten away from them was because he had been taken to hospital because he had a miscarrage. The hospital had reported it to the orthorities and he had been transfered to Gothum general hospital, where he was currently under doctor observation.

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