The Summer.

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Human Au.

Summer was a time for fun in the sun, but not everyone could. Heatwaves were more than likely to happen and not everyone had enough fans to cool them down enough for them to be comfortable.

Janus and his partner had lived together for years and had lived through many summers before, but this was a summer unlike they had ever had. With the weather being warmer than it had been in years, as well as Janus being pregnant.

The pregnancy had been planed, although Janus had been wishing that it wouldn't be over a summer. His wish did not come true. He had gotten pregnant in Febuary and didn't find out that he was until April.

Y/c was always teasing Janus, which he was not appreciative of. Janus had been more irratable as the weather had gotten warmer and the further along in his pregnancy he had gotten.

Janus had been spending most of the time during the warm days spralled in a tank top and shorts out on the sofa in front of the fan, as he was warmer because of the weather and because of the baby. The only time that he wouldn't be on the sofa was when Y/c had forced gim to go shopping or go and have dinner out with him and their friends.

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