The New Begining

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Not all marrages lasted forever, some only last a small fraction of that.

Janus Nygma hadn't had a very good marrage with his now ex-husband. They had been constantly fighting for the last two months, as Janus had found himself pregnant with their second child, their first born being 3 years old.

His ex was not happy with the pregnancy, he hadn't been with the first but when he demanded Janus get rid of the baby, and he refused things got worse. Janus and their child left, staying with a friend for a few days before getting a cheap hotel room for a couple of weeks.

That was a few months ago, Janus was still going through the process of his divorse but had managed to get his own house, in another area of the town that was more child friendly. Janus and his friends had been moving things into the house all day, athough they didn't let him pick up too many of the heavy boxes.

After everything was in the house, his friends left him so that he could get settles and unpack how he wanted to. His son fell asleep on the sofa, so he tried to be as quiet as possible while doing so.

The next day, Janus had found an invitation to a neighbours BBQ and said to bring something, like a 'pot luck'. He did not know what thqt ment so he baked a cake, which was vegitarian friendly as he had no idea about his neighbours nor their diatary needs.

Janus turned up in the afternoon, carrying his son on one side and holding the cake in the other. He was a little confused, but went over to the table of food to put his cake down.

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